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please help with Parakeets........

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by pomlover, Sep 21, 2005.

  1. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    OK, I will be the first to admit that I am an idiot so please don't condem me for these questions.

    First off, my daughter wanted some birds so we got her two parakeets. Don't have any clue as to if they are male and female or what, but we must have at least one female. I noticed in the bottom of the cage, are some eggs. UGH!! We don't have a nest box so they are on the bottom of the cage as stated before. How do I tell if I have a male and female or two females? What do I do with the eggs? Do I leave them in the cage or take them out? I am clueless!! Sorry. I am trying to learn quickly though. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  2. Used

    Used New Member

    The male Parakeets have a blue cear right above their beak, and the females have a tan, or pinkish cear in the same place. Really it depends on what you want to do if you want more Parakeets get a nesting box or just a tissue box, with some bedding material. When my female had eggs she would throw out any bedding we put in there for her. If you don't want more Parakeets then either seperate the male and female or just remove the eggs that she lays. Hope this helps.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI never remove the eggs until after the 19day incubation period as this will make the female produce more to replace the ones taken which will result in a calcium deficiency which could result in egg binding or worst case scenerio death to the female.

    Depending on the age of the birds the male will have a bright blue cere The female will have a white, cream tan or pink cere.

    The cere is the fleshy part above the beak usually the cere on the female will turn a very dark crusty brown during breeding season but this is not always the case.

    You will not know if the eggs are fertile unless you take the first egg 5-7days after it was laid and gently hold it over a small torch if fertile you will see a web of red veins if not fertile all you will see is the yellow/orange yolk.

    Since they have been laid on the cage floor chances are they may not hatch due to the birds not being able to incubate or turn the eggs properly.

    You can try putting a nest box up and line it with 2inches of plain wood shavings and place the eggs in there or you can place a dish or box on the cage floor and again line it with plain wood shavings and place the eggs in there, The birds will either accept this as a perfect nesting place or they will just abandon the eggs if they do not bother with them for more than 24hours you can safely remove the eggs.

    Make sure they have cuttlefish bone and mineral block in there cage at all times this helps keep her calcium levels correct.
    Now is also the time to start giving soft foods such as boiled eggs mashed up with the shell, Boiled brown rice, Boiled Pasta, Different fruits and vegtables just incase the eggs are fertile and hatch.
    you can also buy an egg food which is designed for handfeeding and weaning of baby birds it is full of all vitamins and minerals a growing bird needs.
    This can be given moist or dry, I give my birds a seperate dish of this dry aswell as there normal seed/ fruit/ vegtable diet.
    Also make sure water dishes are cleaned thoroughly as you do not want bacteria forming in the water, I change my water dishes twice per day.

    Seperating the birds is the only sure way to stop her laying fertile eggs but will not stop her laying eggs all together ass even a female in a cage on her own will still lay eggs.

    Reduce the amount of light they get per day this means covering the cage if needed to make it seem like the days are short and the nights are long, Keeo the temp in the room cooler than normal and do not feed soft foods.

    Birds hsould be atleast 18months old before allowing them to breed and should never have more than 2 clutches per year.
    If you are not wanting to breed seperate them.

    Ps never feel stupid for asking for help as everyone comes here for help and advice if everyone knew everything there was to know about things there would be no need for forums like these.

  4. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    Thank you for your replies. I have no idea how old they are. My blue parakeet must be a male because he is very blue above his beak. My yellow one is the female and is brownish above her beak.

    The eggs are so tiny. Guess that would be the case since the birds aren't very big, but I never pictured a parakeet egg before. My girls will love seeing them.

    Thanks again! I appreicate all the help.

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