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New Storm Heading This Way

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Sep 20, 2005.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Take a look at this tracking map for now Tropical Storm Rita.

    That spot above Saturdays possible location is Houston/Galveston. We are starting preparations this evening. Hopefully the people in Galveston will head out early also as there is limited evacuation routes leading off the island.
    Now we have about 250,000 Katrina refugees in Houston. Can you imagine how traumatic it will be to be hit by another storm.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Oh no!! I thought nothing could make me glad I live in Kansas, but I am really glad I don't live on a coast!
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    praying that Rita, downgrades and turns that is just awful.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    See that red dot that says Saturday... Thats my house!!!!
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    boy I need to vent, they were showing this morning Galveston being prepared and they have lots of school buses lined upr eady to evacaute people who dont have transportation and cant afford to get transportation out.

    they said each person can bring one pet, so I think YEA!!, then said said it has to be caged, HELLO, what are they thinking, these people cant afford transportation, do yo think have have cages handy for their pets, and if they did, how are they going to get them to the buses. and for people that have big dogs, how are they going to get cages in the buses and taking room that can be used for people? Why dont they let people take their pet if a dog on leash, geez, there is no way I could get Jake at 100# in a cage on a bus, but he could sit on my lap no problem not taking any room. to me this is going yet agina cause people to stay behind or leave their pets behind, because this is a logistical nighmare if impossible task
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I agree, honeybears. A leash and a muzzle seems more practical than a cage. Most people don't have muzzles, but I bet the animal groups could get a supply of them down there quickly and people could be putting them on as they board the bus. Better that than the animal groups having to do another massive rescue operation.

    The aftermath of this one shouldn't be as bad, should it? I mean, the cities around there aren't a big bowl waiting to fill up with water are they?
  7. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    You are correct that we won't go under like New Orleans but the wind and surge will result in scenes like you saw in Mississippi, especailly Galveston if it suffers a direct hit. My personal concerns are wind damage and falling trees. My house is in the middle of some very large and very old oak trees. Power could also be out for two weeks or more.
    Wherever this storm decides to make landfall will be destroyed. The least populated area would be between Corpus Christi and Brownsville. Hopefully it will head in there.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I didn't mean to offend to make it sound like there is no danger. I hope you didn't take it that way! I hope the storm avoids the most populated areas. You are all in my thoughts.
  9. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I agree with Honeybears. again. I remember watching all that stuff about Katrina and they were talking about how the Superdome and other shelters wouldn't let pets in and I remember thinking "Why?" They could have designated at least one place to allow people with pets. What do they think those people are supposed to do? And the cage thing? I don't have cages for my dogs. Those animals just get left behind. I was watching one reporter (I think anderson cooper) and he was sailing around in a boat commenting about the animals and they show a shot of a dog swimming behind the boat and he says "this dog has been following us around obviously looking for help". I was astonished that they didn't stop the @$#%#$% boat and pick that poor dog up. How could you be so @#$#@ uncompassionate and just drive past all those animals????? And the national guard and other rescuers were ignoring the animals and only looking for ppl? I get that sort of, but if you are there, why not just pick up the animal? They need more help than the humans. At least the humans had some sort of a chance to get out and they know to swim around and look for a boat, etc. but those animals don't know what the #@#$ is going on???? Ok, that is my rant about that. That idiot reporter just really ticked me off.

    At least people are getting out. That I guess was the one good thing about Katrina, now people won't underestimate hurricanes. And maybe next time people and the government will have a better plan in place.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm right with you, Eliza. I don't understand people passing by animals. How hard is it to pick them up and drop them off at one of the shelters? And the dog that was swimming after the boat? Were they just going to let him drown when he got too tired to swim anymore? How can people be so heartless??
  11. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    No offense taken at all. Sorry if I sounded that way. Just tried to describe the difference between New Orleans and Houston.

    Good news. Just heard the County Administrator say that people could bring their pets with them to the shelters. Hope the shelters know that.

    Now preparing for a cat. 5.
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    dukesdad, that is great news about the shelters,

    Eliza, The reporter thing just upset me t no end, and then I read a few days ago, that so many people were comlaining of this, and that supposedly the reporters were picking them up, after their shot was over, dont know how much truth there is to that or are they trying to cover themsevles, like Anderson Cooper that is just pathetic to make a comment like that on air.

    I have been reading some of the good stories, 2 rescuers knocked down a house looking for bodies and these 2 dogs ran out and jumped in their truck, so they took them to the animal shelter where they wre turned away, too full, but the men kept the dogs with them until they could find some place else so they had tehm for a few days

    good luck getting out Dukesdad
  13. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Wow! I'm thinking about yall Sams and Dukesdad.

    If Rita had turned north into the Florida gulf, that would be me. I've already told them at work that if anything like this come towards us, I'm outta here. And I work at the hospital. But unless they are going to let me bring 4 animals with me, I'm heading north. Sorry, but I would never, ever leave my babies.
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think if it were me and I had no other choice, I would load the family (humans and otherwise) in the car and drive north even without a destination in mind. Eventually you would get far enough north where you could get a room, and if not then I guess we would sleep in the car with two (or three) dogs, two cats yowling in their crates, a mouse, a short-tailed opossum....and maybe the 9 birds. Not sure how that would work. Trucking birds around could kill them.
  15. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    well I am glad to hear they scrapped the hairbrained idea of cages, they showed the people and their dogs getting on buses sans cages,

    I would thorow in my camping gear and take off and use that as my shelter and stop and make camp at the safest place

    prayers to dukesdad and Sam

  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    If yall could see the hwy here, you'd freek. And ppl just have dogs in the back s of their trucks sitting there.... going no where....

    Kristi and her mom are handing out bowls of water for pets. And even though we'll get bad weather, the truks and trailer that are broken down and out of gas, can unload here. its better than nothing...

    Kristi opened up her hay pasture for horses its about 55 acres, and her back 80 we opened our 88.... soooobusy busy busy...

    Anyhow. I don't mean to be mean or offend anyone, but the BEST case synerio would be for it to go hit the new orleans area again... everything si destroyed and its unpopulated so what could it mess up? I understand that there could be harm to ppl that are there, but if something is messed up already and most of the population is gone, then whats the harm? Its better than hitting us and ascrewing up the towns and cities not effected by the last one.

    Anyhow. Its a category 5 if if downgrades it'll still be a strong 4 and the same if not more strength than Katrina.

    Galveston was leveled in early 1900's. it would be a devistation if it hit the ship yards and Galveston again.... Even more of a devistation than New Orleans...

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