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Mom had to put down her dog Monday

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DMikeM, Sep 22, 2005.

  1. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Monday when I was at my mom's picking up a car for a trip off the mountain, her dog sitter told me my mom's older dog Buffy (a chow collie shepard mix) was no longer able to walk and the younger Aussie dog (Sissy) would not leave her side.
    She told me she informed my mom who was on a trip to see some of our other family, and that she finally agreed to let Buffy go to rest. I have been trying to get her to do this for months now. Buffy has had some hard times with busted knees and hearing loss, then her rear end started showing arthritis or displaysia.
    When I got done at the doctors I called my mom and she had returned home to take Buffy in. She was on her way when I called. By the time I got back to Big Bear she had taken Buffy to rest and we sat and shared our grief over it. She had sat with her during the whole thing and was very pleased at how easy she went.
    I hope Sissy will be ok with no companion, I don't think my mom will be getting another dog soon, or maybe ever.
  2. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    I found this on another site I hope it will help.

    A Pet's Request

    If it should be that I grow weak,
    And pain should keep me from my sleep,
    Then you must do what must be done,
    For this last battle cannot be won.
    You will be sad, I understand.
    Don't let your grief then stay your hand.
    For this day more than all the rest,
    Your love for me must stand the test.
    We've had so many happy years .
    What is to come can hold no fears.
    You'd not want me to suffer so,
    The time has come, so let me go.
    Take me where my needs they'll tend,
    And please stay with me until the end.
    Hold me firm and speak to me,
    Until my eyes no longer see.
    I know in time that you will see
    The kindness that you did for me.
    Although my tail its last has waved,
    From pain and suffering I've been saved.
    Please do not grieve - it must be you.
    Who had this painful thing to do.
    We've been so close, we two, these years,
    Don't let your heart hold back its tears.
    ~ Author Unknown ~

    We grieve with you because we know how
    painful the loss of a beloved pet can be.

    May the wonderful memories of the time you
    had together sustain you now and always.
    Hold those dear memories in your heart
    and remember the Rainbow Bridge
    Till we meet again!
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Mike, please show blueribbons poem to your mom, I had to send my cat last month to kitty heaven and still beat myself up over it, I am crying so hard now after readng that poem and it makes me feel better, that I did do the right thing, as it should your mom
  4. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Jeez. I'm bawling now too. I was just thinking of Samantha last night and crying over her (I had to put her to sleep last Nov). It still bothers me that maybe I could have done something else for her. I remember how "peaceful" it was. I was holding Samantha and all the sudden she just went limp. That was it. I remember that feeling like it was yesterday. I couldn't believe I had just killed my dog. I know it was what was best but still. Oh boy, now I've got to go, people are starting to stare.

    I'm sorry for your loss.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have never seen that poem before. I am crying, too!! :cry:

    Isn't it amazing how we can do the right thing for our pets, yet it is illegal to do the same thing for a human being? Crazy.

    Your mom did the right thing, and Buffy will be waiting for her at the Bridge. I hope I will never have to make that decision for my cats and dogs. I did it for a mouse and I was sobbing at the vet's office. They probably thought I was nuts.
  6. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Yep, I am crying again too. Thanks for the support and the poem, (I emailed it to my mom).
    I guess I am still broken from my loss of Storm and Buffy just makes it worse.
    Storm was my hearts joy but had to be put down because of a tumor in her bladder. Even though it was years ago it still feels like yesterday.
    Buffy was very special too. Even though she was in such discomfort she always knew when I was visiting and made her way to me for a good rub and scratch.

    Here is my Storm.

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