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Litter Training Puppy - Shihpoo

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Sunshinne83, Sep 20, 2005.

  1. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member

    Hi Guys,

    I am currently trying to litter train my 3 month old Shihpoo, but all she wants to do is eat it. I heard litter training can be easy. Does anyone have any advise on litter training a puppy, and how to get her to stop eating it?

  2. wickham

    wickham New Member

    litter training puppy advice

    I litter trained my havanese basically the same way you would train a puppy to go outside - take them on a leash! If they attempt to play with the litter or eat it, just don't let them. Pull on the leash and say "no". The puppy may not like the feel of the litter (I use second nature brand) and must get used to it. After a few minutes, if they don't go, then crate them and try again in 15 to 30 minutes. It took a few days before he'd go in there on his own. At first I tried to do both going outside and using the litter box - this did not work. I am so happy that I didn't give up, though! He's now 3 and I rarely crate him - he can go when he needs to and isn't dependant on me. I do put a pad at the front of the litter box because sometimes he thinks he's "in" when only the front half of him is in the box. When you have a furry little baby, not having to take them out in bad weather is so wonderful! Good luck.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi why would you want to litter train your pup, Are you planning on training her to go outside aswell as your going to confuse her as she wont know that going toilet outside is normal.

    When housebreaking a puppy watch her actions she will start snifing around looking for a place to relieve herself this is your cue to put her either in her litter box or outisde use a command like go potty or be quick, Once she have done her business reward with alot of praises and even a treat if you feel this is appropriate.

    Puppies should be allow to go to the toilet when they wake after eating and drinking, After play time and just before bed, Try and keep the same times and they quickly learn this routine.

    When she is sniffing around say goodgirl be quick or go potty.

    wickham, Even in the bad weather dogs need to have there excersise so they still need to go for a walk.

  4. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member

    I take my puppy for a walk every day. As for why I am litter training - I live on the 12th floor of an apartment, i am finding that most of the time she doesnt make it. I take her out constantly so it is not that i am not taking her out enough or waiting until the last minute. I also have a friend who has a shihpoo who is litter trained because she doesnt like to go outside in the winter.
  5. wickham

    wickham New Member

    litter training puppy advice

    I know lots of people with small dogs who train their small dogs to use wee wee pads or a litter box. Its no more difficult than training the dog to go outside and you do it the same way. The dogs are not confused about where to go and, in fact, seem to have less accidents because they aren't dependant on a human to take them out (once they are older and tell you when they need to go - puppies should be under constant supervision and taken out at regular intervals). My mom's dogs do use both the litter box (first thing in the morning and if its particularly nasty out) and ring a bell to go outside so you can do both. My dog will, of course, go outside, if I take him but I found it easier to train him when I didn't do both. Being a little furry guy, I could never open the door and let him out on his own - he always must be on a leash unless we are at a pet park. Of course, he gets exercise! What a silly thing to say - its just more pleasant for everyone if he's not out in the grass/mud/ect. 12 times a day - when I got him, it was the start of a very bad winter - and it was safer not to have a puppy out in that weather and several feet of snow. He has thick coat that requires a lot of maintanence because they don't shed (like alot of these small breeds). I have to comb him every other night and on the few occasions that he's gotten stuff in his fur, its just not pleasant for either of us. My dog has the run of my home - he's the only one who actually sits on my living room couches and he sleeps in my bed - if he went outside to use the bathroom all the time, I would be less comfortable allowing that. And now that's he's 3 and not getting into trouble, I don't need to crate him when we go out. I'm also not worried that he could ingest whatever fertilizers or pesticides or other animal stuff (like from deer) that may be on lawns or in gardens. The poster asked for advice on getting her dog not to play in the litter and since I've done it successfully and know many people who also have litter trained based on my advice, I thought I'd share.
  6. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member

    Thanks for the post Wickham. I am finding a lot of people against litter training and I myself because of the position I am in agree with litter training. I have tried your recommendation using the lease and it has helped but still she tries to eat the litter. I am so worried about her getting sick! I guess it just takes time and practice and lots and lots of patience!
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Do not get me wrong i am not against litter training, I just think litter boxes are meant for cats not dogs.

    With time and patience she will get it right, Its the same with cats they usually eat there litter aslong as she does not consume any she will be fine.


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