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I'm in Ritas direct Path...need help

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Sep 22, 2005.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok Guys. it doesn't really matter where Rita hits, Galveston, down to Mategorda, I'll be right in the middle. I'm about 70 miles from the coast, and either way, the eye will come right over to top of me.

    I've battoned down my hatches, ply wooded the windows, and we're evacuating the horses and Boo at this time.

    However. I do not have aplace for the dogs or cats. IN the LAST resort I can take them with me to my mothers house in their crates, but with her three dogs and cats in a little brick house... might be VERY cramped.

    I'll be glad to pay anyone that can board Precious and Kabuki. I'll bring them to you tonight or in the morning.

    The storm I have no doubt will level my place. My house is open, I've got 25 foot of wall missing with nothing but studs there, and a tarp.
    Sooo.... Its a big weak spot. We're verry woried about flooding. Our place has flooded before with the hwy construction going on...and I'm sure it'll flood again. The last big rain we had I was walking in waist deep water in my drive way. The house is on a hill as well as the shop and kennels.. but still. The dogs need to go NOW!!

    The horses have been evacuated to LSER places around the state. We moved 60 something last night to Austin and Bryan COllege Station.

    My horses and my mothers personal horses will be going tomorrow moring.

    Again, if ANYONE can help with Precious and Kabuki and our tiny chihuaha Tubby, PLEASE contact me NOW!!! I beg yall.

    We will be staying however at my mothers in Columbus, to help with the aftermath and to be here with the animals that can't go anywhere.

    To all else in the path. Good luck and God bless.

    I Love you all and I'm sure we'll be fine... but I'm taking drastic measures to insure EVERYONES safety.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If there was a way for me to get the chi I would keep him for you until the storm passes. I bet you could smuggle him into a hotel or something and no one would know. The big dogs are the problem. Any chance the storm is going to downgrade?
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Prayers to you Sam, I so wish I could take them, but being in CA, I feel helpless. I know you will find someone to help and good luck

  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    No it progressed to a category 4 way earlier than expected. Its moves south which is even worse. They predict it will be a 5 by tonight and tomorow, but will most likely return to a strong 4 when it hits. At my area, if the winds are 120 on the coast, we will still see 110+ miles per hour winds... Houston can still recieve 100+.....

    Almost all places in Austin. Most wont take Precious or Buki because of their size.... Which really sucks....That and Precious has dog agression issues..

    Ok while I'm typing this I got a call... the dogs are going to HighMark Kennels in Austin!!!! they will be kenneled together for $19 a night per dog... THANK GOD!!!!!
    I'll be taking them tomorow morning. And they have a vet on call there for this event.

    I LOVE YALL. SO whomever called them for me, THANK YOU!!!!!!
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    glad to hear they have a temporary home, and :eek: :eek: to the person who ehlped yo out, that is great news
  6. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Hope you get everything tied down and your animals to safe haven. We will probably head up to Dallas by noon tomorrow.
    I may have to stay as part of the County's emergency response team. I'll know what our work plans are by tomorrow. If I do have to stay then Dukesmom will take the boys and head north.
    Traffic is already at a crawl heading north out of Houston as all of the evacuees from Galveston are being sent through to points north. Most hotels here are already full with Katrina refugees.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What a mess! Those poor Katrina victims have been through enough. Stay safe, Sams and Dukesdad, and whomever else is down there!
  8. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I feel like Honeybears. I wish I could do something, but not too many people make it all the way to SC. Kind of weird, we're usually the ones getting the hurricanes. This year it's like they're all going south.

    But....if by any chance you need a place to keep them for a lengthy period of time, you could bring them here. Indy would go absolutely insane with glee - he loves dogs that are as big as he is! And I believe Kabuki and Maggie are around the same age. (don't know if my neighbors would approve though - they might have a heart attack if they see 4 giant dogs in the backyard!
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm glad you were able to find somewhere for the dogs. Good luck Sams. Stay safe.
  10. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I'm happy you were able to find safe havens for you animals. Keep yourself safe!
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    We hauled two trailer loads of horses and donkeys to Austin last night. Mom left Houston at 2pm, didn't get here till 6 pm and we left... didn't get to Austin till after Midnight... that bad. Both sides of I-10 are flowing west, still bumper to Bumper. Columbus litterally shut down. There are sooo many people in our town.. Population 2300 is over 100000 at the moment....We have no gas, no food, no water... its bad. Good thing we're in the country and have our own well.

    We're prepared for the absolute worst. Since thy are projecting it to go further north towards Galveston, we'll just get the winds and rain. We won't be on the "nasty" side of it, but we'll still get a good deal of it and around 100+mph winds.

    The girls won't make it to Austin. There's no way to get them there. The hyw's are soooo backed up its unbelievable. Sooo We'll bunker them down with us here at my mothers. Buki doesn't mind though. She LOVES Tubby. Precious just stays in her crate.

    I'll keep yall updated as long as I can. Love ya all....

    Dukes Dad, if you can't make it to where ever for any reason, call me. you can come here.
  12. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Dukes Dad and Sams (and anyone else in Ritas path)....good luck and be safe.
  13. Auspetian

    Auspetian Administrator Staff Member

    Prayers to you Sam, Dukesdad and everyone else in Rit’as path. We are keeping our fingers crossed.

    Please stay safe and keep us updated as much as you can. :(

  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Its about 1:45pm here. We're getting some good winds, and thre are a few clouds starting to roll in.

    Everyone is safe at the moment.

    Unfortunately S.A. is coming down with Founder. So we're keeping our eyes on her. She got into the feed room and then got into the back of my truck and ripped open a few bags of deer corn. Don't know how much she ate.....

    Other than that, everyone is fine. Precious and Kabuki are outside with the others, their in the stock trailer at the moment due to Precious' dog agression.

    We've got a pure bred German Shephard that showed up. He either fell off someones vehicle or they dumped him. He's got a green collar with no tags, and a choke chain on... He's a bit underweight, but obediance trained and very friendly. Hes solid black with a little brown on the legs...We do't know his name so we're calling him Boudrex at the moment..

    After the storm is over we'll scan him at the vets. We've knotified all vet clinics with in 50 miles...

    Yall should have seen I-10 last night... oh my god.... I've never in my whole life seen anything like it....
  15. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    stay safe Sam, yea, it seemed like the people they were showing on the roads werent prepared and didnt bring a lot of water and to sit in that heat, they were melting along with their animals,

    prayers to you, your family and pets
  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    We're all doing fine. The girls are glad to be home. We got NO rain but lots of wind. ITs soo dry here....

    Everything is back in order except S.A.

    We caught the founder in time and she's doing much better but it did effect all 4 feet. We're treating her with activated charcol and some probiotics. Seems to have done the trick. A gram of Bute a day is working as well.

    Beaudrox is still here. Not microchipped or anything. So hopefully someone will call about him. If not he's off to get neutered and to find a new home.

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