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Having Problems with Gold Fish

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by sylvestermmc, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. sylvestermmc

    sylvestermmc New Member

    If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it. First of all I am having a problem keeping my tank from being cloudy. I have been doing all the water changes that the person at the pet shop said. I have a 10 gallon tank with two goldfish in it (the only ones that have survived so far) . I have learned through browsing the internet that goldfish are vegetarians and to feed them peas. I would like to know if anyone has tried this and if so how many and how do you feed them? I have cut down on feeding them every two days, but the water is still cloudy. I have also used the clear start, but that doesn't work very well either. Please help me save my fish.

    thank you

  2. gravity

    gravity New Member

    What kind of goldfish are they, and what kind of filtration do you have for the tank?

    I'm pretty sure goldfish are supposed to be in 20 gallon tanks in order to be housed appropriately, but I'm not positive. I do know that they are very messy fish.
  3. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    did you cycle the tank before you put the fish in?
  4. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Unfortunately, goldfish are considered beginner fishes by most. The truth is that they do best in outdoor ponds that are hundreds of gallons in size. There are a few people who will keep goldfish inside, but they require large tanks of 55 gallons or more. They also require large and efficient filtration systems, as they are very dirty fish. I'm afraid that your 10 gallon tank is just way too small for 2 goldfishes to live in, and there is really no way to keep your tank clean. Maybe your local fish shop will let you return them for something else a little more suitable to a ten gallon set up? Fancy guppies are always a good option.
    Good luck!
  5. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Hi, I'm kinda new to this forum, I'm normally in the bird area. I also have goldfish...I am by far an expert but this is what I've done.
    I have 3 comet goldfish (from the fair) and I've got them in a 10 gallon aquarium. I recently moved so before I settled in I set up their tank at the new place, but didn't take the fish. I cleaned EVERYTHING in their tank replaced the filtration system, I bought a 20+ gallon filter instead of the smaller one. I de-chlorinated the water, even though I let it run for a week before adding fish, but I also put Easy Balance in the water. It's a product by Tetra. It's a yellow bottle and I just used it according to the directions on it. My fish are thriving and it's been a little over a month and I haven't had to do any water changes. The water is as clear as the first day I put them in there. Also, I wouldn't use flake food as this can easily cloud the water. I like to use the granules that sink, or some sort of pellet specially for goldfish. Like the others said they are messy fish and need a lot of space. Mine need a bigger tank, but for now they seem happy. Happier than what there were in! My husband won them at the fair, so you can imagine the conditions they were in :?
    As far as the peas, I never knew/read about that. It's interesting tho, I'd love to feed my fish something other than fish food or brine shrimp. They need treats too I think!!!! So if you ever find out for sure, or have tried it let me know cuz I'd like to do that for my fish. Take care
  6. kc5gvn

    kc5gvn New Member

    zarate, If you haven't done a water change in 4 weeks I strongly suggest you check the Ammonia and Nitrite levels with 3 comets in a ten gallon tank. Also I would suggest not using brine shrimp as food for Goldfish. Brine shrimp has a tendency to block them up.

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