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My puppy only eats once a day

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by butler5, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. butler5

    butler5 New Member

    Hello - my fiance and I just got a puppy from a rescue operation this past weekend. Lola is 7 weeks old and is an Australian Shepard/Boxer mix. She has a slight cough that I took her to vet for yesterday and he has prescribed meds for. However. Since Monday when both my fiance and I had to go to work and leave her home (no, unfortunately we don't have anyone to come check on her midday, and we both work 30+ miles away from home so we can't come home) she has only been eating first thing in the morning. She eats about a half cup of dry puppy chow around 6:15, but can't be enticed to eat any time after we get home. Yesterday she ate a little right around 10pm, but only if we fed her out of hand first and kind of guided her toward the food bowl. I know she shouldn't eat that late, but she won't touch the food earlier and I hate to see her not eating. She will eat a beef stick treat (a poopie treat if you will) but no dinner. She seems to like the chow in the am and isn't scared of the bowl or anything. I know I've only had my sweet little baby 4 days, and I may be jumping the gun but...any ideas?
  2. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    What are you feeding her? Maybe she is not finding it palatable. With a 7 week old puppy...I say feed her as much food as she wants whenever she wants. Is she drinking water? Maybe mix in a little canned food to make it more appealing for her.
  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    If she has a cough, it's possible she has a sore throat and eating dry food is uncomfortable. If her nose is stuffy she might not be able to smell the food, and if she can't smell it she will be less likely to eat it. Try mixing in some warmed canned food, or soften her food with some warm water or broth.

    It's also possible the meds she's taking are giving her some mild nausea, which will make her feel like not eating. She might also be depressed from all the changes she's been through. Give it a couple more days for her to adjust and see if her appetite picks up.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I agree with shine on the meds, usually with a cough the common script is anit-biotics (commonly Cepheliexin suspension) this can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea and two of the more common cough suppresants are Hydrocodeine or Torutrol in a brown syrup, both can make the pup sleepy and/or lethargic.
    (you didnt mention what meds you got).

    At 7 weeks its possible that even if she likes the dry food it could be a little too hard for her. I hate changing diets as it can cause diarrhea but either the warm water to soften up the dry food or canned food mixed in or both. She needs to eat and once a day is not enough.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Sheesh. I agree with everyone else. Try softening the food with warm broth or canned doggie food.

    I wish my dogs didn't have the appetite they have now... Preciuous would gorge 24/7 if you let her and Buki is the same!!! I go through a 50lb bag of food every week and a half. almost 2 weeks... Sheesh....
  6. butler5

    butler5 New Member

    Thanks for your help!

    Much thanks for everyone's comments. We found some wet puppy chow that we mix in with her dry food. She is now eating much better and is even looking for more food. Her cough is getting better and she is much more energetic. I chaulk up my early concerns as "new mother nerves". Again thanks so much, she is definitely doing better! I appreciate all the support and will definitely be back with updates...and probably more questions!
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Glad to hear Lola is doing better (and your nerves have settled down a bit )

    Its always better to ask about something if your not sure and there is plenty of tips and advice here....and none of us were born with experience or knowledge we all had to learn at some point (and are still learning). :D
  8. Killerbee2

    Killerbee2 New Member

    There are alot of things that could be wrong. Like the food you are feeding her, she may not like it. Or maybe the meds she is taking is making her not feel good and not want to eat. Or maybe she is not getting enough attention(sp?).
    You might want to spend some time with her and investagate(sp?). Like ask the vet if the meds she is taking making her not want her food. Or if you not spending time with her she might not feel impotrant.
    You might want to ask another post one what you should feed your dog. I hope your dog eats! Please Keep Us Posted!! 8)


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