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do your kitties have nicknames?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I have
    Prissy Missy as she is quite the little priss
    Silly Tilly and she is a silly girl
    Zany Zeus, you've heard enough about him to know why
    Dixie Chick as she really considers herself to be quite the chick
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Copper has lots of nicknames that I can't mention lol.
    Sabrina is also known as Miss Brina or LBC (little black cat)
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm the queen of nicknames! I have so many for my cats that I won't even bother listing them all....

    Moe: Schmoopie-poo, Mosley, Moe-moe, Hissy La Rue, Crankypants, etc....

    Artemis: Smartypants (cause he's not), Smartemis, Buddy, Arty McSmarty, and many more.

    Incidently, Halaroo is what I used to call my cat Motley.
  4. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I have a bunch of nicknames, too. Some are:

    For Socks - Socksie, Sockers, baby cat, Socker Docker.
    For Mittens: Mitters, Mitten head, Mitten Kitten,

    That is just a few of the nice ones. :lol:
  5. miss_maddy2007

    miss_maddy2007 New Member


    Quincy: fatty, quin, purr bucket, and there are some weird ones that go with quincy that i cant even spell...haha

    Zoe: dot, dottis(those were because when she was a baby she was smaller then normal and she is all black so she would curl up in a ball on the floor and look like a dot..) zos, zo dot....
  6. betta lover

    betta lover New Member

    I have a few.

    Mitons: rin ran / minny mouse / minny girl

    Moonlight: boone / stinky / Road runner
  7. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Natasha (who is a boy... long story) - Tash, Tash Man, Tashers, Big Man, Bear Trap, Big Boy

    Boris - Bor Bor, Bor da Bor, King of Bora Bora Ma-ah, Sir Purrs a Lot

    Chloe - Chlo, Chlo Mongral, Chlomister, Baby Girl

    Zoe - Zo Zo, Doey

    Kitters - Kitter Kitter Kit Cat, Kit, Velcro (she sticks to the cat condo like velcro)
  8. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    :0017: That cracked me up!

    I hardly ever call Luna by her proper name. Right now, I usually call her "sweet thang" or "kittycat." She has also been called luna-tic, Luna Falana, principessa (we gave that one to her after watching "Life is Beautiful"), and sweetpea. Although none of this matters to her, she subscribes to the philosophy "it doesn't matter what you call me, just don't call me late for dinner."
  9. eman

    eman New Member

    Max: Maxi, Maximum, chubby cheeks, sweatheart, love, big boy.
  10. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    Kitty gets munchkin, chi chi, kits, chichina, cheech, princess and little woman!
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    Hoggle - Hoggie, balleria boy, little boy.
    Richie - Munch, Munchkin, fat cutie-cow, chunky-monkey
    Rhiannon - Rhi, Ree-rer
    Belladonna - Belly

    .....and I don't really have nicknames for the others.
  12. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I randomly call all my cats "fuzz butt".

    Romeo generally gets shortened to "Rom-yo" or "Romo" and he also gets called "baby", and "fuzzy boy".

    Emily gets called "Emmy", "Emmy Lou", and "Emily Lucille".

    Tennessee gets called "Ten-Ten", "Ten-see", "Ten", and "Demon Cat".

    Jupiter (who now lives with my brother) generally got called "Jupy" (jyoo-pee).

  13. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    We usually call Booger, Boo-Boo or just Boo for short. We call her by her full name when she's being naughty or damnitbooger when she's really naughty!
  14. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    We call Cassie 'cous cous' or 'cass', and Horatio 'H' or just 'baby' just because of obvious reasons! My god daughter calls Horatio 'Ratio' as she is only 1 and can't pronounce his whole name!
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    Pumpkin- Umpy, Pumpy, Pumpkin Pie, Sour Puss
    Monty- La Mont, Monty Boy
    Milo- Lolo, Lolo Beans
    Rene- Serena, Vene, Bad Kitty
  16. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    Jazz is Jazzy..or demon kitty

    Romeo is Fresh boy

    Caesar is OMG WHAT DID YOU DO NOW..he's the deaf one..so it really doesnt matter what i cll him..lol
  17. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Oh my gosh, my kitties have soo many nicknames!!

    Hunterbuns...zebuns, bunbuns...kitty boy....
    the list goes one...

    Then theres
    AnnaB, bananapants, annabanana.....on and on....

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