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Problems with my tank

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Jacz, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. Jacz

    Jacz New Member

    I have a 30G filter in a 10 gallon tank yet the amount of ammonia doesn't go down from .5...i am a mess and ashamed because i'm very new at this and need advice...i want my fish to live. my problems however r tat i think its overcrowded...thanks to my mom and sis, the water purifiers to bring down the ammonia do not make a big change, my fish r getting nippy and i have pregnant guppies and i would like to have the fries live...however i just lost my wallet and most of my money, i am 14 so i really am very limilted in options for the fries home because my parents will not lend a helping hand. i really need advice in what i should do...i however do have the ammonia kits and the ph regulator and all of tat yet none of it seems to work well. i also need advice on the water changes. i repeat im a mess. :oops:

    I would really appreciate the help. :y_the_best:

    just if u need to know i hav 12 fish in the tank
    4 guppies...not sure anymore on male or female
    1 mollie (one died today :cry: )
    2 neon tetras (1 also died :cry: )
    1 angelfish
    2 ground feeders
    and 2 others that i dont know the name of
  2. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    I really don't think the angel fish needs to be in there at all.
    The neons need at least 3 to a group.
    What kind of bottom feeders are they? Cories or Plecos or Loaches?
    Can you describe the two you don't know?

    Hmm, you're definetly overstocked. The ammonia purifiers aren't really a good thing. You have been using a dechlorinator, yes?

    As for water changes, with a tank so overstocked you really need to do a 30-40% water change every other day. You either need to return some of your fish, or start saving up for a much larger tank.
  3. Jacz

    Jacz New Member

    well, i am gonna return the angelfish...but wat should i do about tehe pregnant guppies?
  4. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    normally you would just get a breeder net, but with such an overstocked tank you may want to get a 5 gallon and move the babies in there.

    I don't know how you can't tell the difference between the males and females, the males are very brightly colored whereas the females are dull.
  5. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    There's no need to be a mess. I'm having a problem with my 60 with fishless cycling and its driving me nuts! The ammonia and nitrates wont level out.

    But your first problem is you're overstocked and there is too much ammonia being produced for the bacteria to handle, so its just stacking up and killing fish. You shouldn't need a 30G filter for a 10 gallon tank.

    How long has your tank been set up? If its new, I would suggest starting over with fishless...its more humane and cheaper. Otherwise, your tank can't handle 12 fish.

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