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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by babymonroe, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. babymonroe

    babymonroe New Member

    About a week ago I bought a Pom/Maltese puppy...
    The guy who I bought him from had a FILTHY house, I love animals, and didn't have the heart to live there with out the little guy.
    Words cannot express how much this puppy already means to me... Just a few days ago he was the happiest little puppy ever! Running around and playing with his toys.
    When I fisrt brought him home, I noticed his stool was a yellow color, but my mom told me it was just because of the different colored food he was eating...
    Tuesday night he was sleeping with me, but woke up in the middle of the night and went potty... This time I knew that the yellow color wasnt because of his food... It was very much a yellow color and diarrhea.
    THEN, he started throwing up but it was just clear... I tried to get him to drink some water or eat, but he wouldn't :(
    AT this point I was so worried... I took him to the vet 9:00 yesturday morning...
    I thought he just had the flu or maybe ate something that didnt agree with his stomach, THE LAST THING I EXPECTED was parvo...
    But unfortunetly, thats what he has...

    I think I caught it very early, sense Im such a worrier, I took him to the vet as soon as I saw that he wasn't feeling good...
    I love my Monroe so much, and I can't picture my life without him...
    He is only 6 1/2 weeks old, and I can't help but think he isn't gunna make it....
    The vet says he is stable, and doing well...
    But because he is so little, I have read that little puppies hardly ever make it...
    Id like to hear some survival stories, just to bring my spirits up.
    Ill let everyone know how he is doing...
    I miss the little guy :(
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    best wishes and quick healing to your pup. Although very young it's probably best he's not in that environment anymore.
    Does this woman have other pups? Maybe you shold report her
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    your poor pup, as Mary said I would report her. its illegal to sell a pup that young adn then if there is neglect invloved

    there are lots of survival stories here that people can share,

    rayers to your pup for a full recovery

  4. babymonroe

    babymonroe New Member

    Good News! I got a call at work, just as I was about to leave to go see Monroe...
    It was the vet, he called to tell me I can take Monroe home tonight. I think its a little too early, but the vet assured me that he was doing wonderfully!!! And I could tell when I saw him, he wants to leave that place SO bad, but I cant get him until tonight....
    He just cried and cried when I left!!! I'm going to get him at 5:00 tonight, when I get off of work..
    I thank the lord for letting my puppy live... I love him soooo much
  5. babymonroe

    babymonroe New Member

    Oh and one more thing..
    Im only 18, I think that this "breeder" took advantage of me.
    This was the first puppy I have bought.
    This guy had A LOT of dogs running around his place.. And sense I just got him last thursday, and he started showing the symptoms tuesday, I know that I brought Monroe home with Parvo... because it takes 7-10 days for the symptoms to occur. I had only had him for 5!
    Im very worried about the other puppies and dogs this guy has.

    Maybe I should call Animal Control!??!
    (My mom always watches Animal Cops on Animal Planet)
    I dont think this guy should be able to sell animals.
    He ripped me off, I paid 400 $ for a sick dog... But money doesn't matter...aside from the fact that I HAVE NONE!!
    Im just glad my baby is going to be okay.
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I am so glad your little guy is doing better.

    From what your saying this pup and probably every pup in the litter and the dogs he has may have the virus.
    It does sound like he is just out to make money which is disgusting i would report him this is just wrong i really feel for all his animals.

    The thing with parvo is that a pup can go from being normal and happy to seriously ill within days especially with going through the stress of going to a new home at such a young age.

    Please keep us posted of his progress and i wish you many years of happiness and fun with your new addition.

    Oh pics are a must if you have a camera :D

  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    do call animal control, again its against the law to sell a puppy at 5 1/2 weeks. Tell AC that and tell themand about the parvo, they have to investigate.

    praying your little guy will pull thru this, the next few days are critical when you bring him home, I have no first hand experience but from what peopl have posted here, it takes several weeks to get better and can be touch and go at times
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I second everything Honeybears just said, Im not sure about the laws, in some States (or it may be counties/cities) it is illegal to sell or give away pups under 8 weeks old.
    The home care is very important, make sure your pup is eating and drinking enough and make sure he doesnt 'over-do' it, sometimes people are so happy that their pup is feeling better they go straight into things like running around with the pup, having the pup chase a ball etc. Try and think of it as though you are just getting over a bad virus, you get that one day were you suddenly feel better so you go back to work/school, you go shopping, in general go back to your usual routine....and a day or 2 later you feel as bad as you did before (Im not comparing Parvo with anything like flu, just the general process of recovery) so take things easy with Monroe, give him toys to play with just dont encourage too much activity, lots of TLC, if your worried that he is not improving or seems to get worse again let your vet know straight away.

    There is one thing that I need to mention, 6 weeks is a little young to be getting parvo, the pup 'technically' should have still been covered by the moms immunity through the milk. Im not saying 6 week old pups 'never' get parvo, they do but then I would have to think that the general health of the mother is not good either or the pup was hand raised.

    I would definately have Animal Control look into this, if you go in to see them to make a complaint then take all your paperwork, receipts from the breeder to show the date you bought the pup, any papers the breeder gave you and get copies of your paperwork from the vet. Even if you cant get some kind of re-imbursment there may be enough for Animal Control to stop this person keeping pets.
  9. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Do you know if the mother was vaccinated because if not the pups will not have any immunity to the virus and they are all at risk including any of the other dogs that the man has.

    I do not understand how people can breed dogs and not take care of the mother and her litters aswell as not keeping the place clean.
    I always make sure everything is as sterile as i can get it when i have litters as i would not want to take the risk of anything happening to my babies.

    I agree with Delauk make sure he takes it easy until he is fully recovered, now that he has come in contact with the virus his body should start building up an immunity to it.

    Good luck with him and keep us posted of his progress.

  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    can we say backyard breeder :x
    you should report this "breeder" (and I use that term very loosely for this person) to someone as she's probably got a house full of sick dogs/puppies who aren't receiving proper medical care, and that's wrong.
  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    also did you get a health guarantee? Chances are good you probably didn't considering the mentality of this breeder - but if you did you could get the vet bills paid for (and should)
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Even if the mom was not vaccinated, she should still have immunity to parvo through natural means. I don't think a dog can make it to adulthood without being exposed to the virus at some point. At that time, if they don't get the disease (or even if they do) they build immunity and it is actually better than the immunity produced by the shot.

    Do you have any idea how old the mother is? I wonder if she is very young.

    There is a sticky thread at the top of this forum that talks about how to go about finding a GOOD breeder, so if you are ever in that position again you can be more informed. It's always good to ask the right questions BEFORE you go see the pups, because everyone falls in love with the cute little fluff balls and it's really hard to walk away even if you discover it's not a good breeder.

    And ditto on all the stuff about not overdoing it with your little guy. Take it easy and make sure he is eating and drinking, and call the vet right away if he starts acting sick again.
  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I was thinking that also. The dog (the mom) must be either very young, first heat maybe, severely immune compromised or the pups werent nursing at all. :?
  14. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member


    Shouldn't the new home be sanitized with a bleach spray ASAP since the pup has infected the home?
    When my dogs had Parvo we mixed a few drops of bleach in a hand sprayer and sprayed the whole carpet. Then got a garden sprayer and made a stronger mix for the yard.

    If babymonroe's puppy comes in contact with more of the Parvo virus while in a week state it could be a bad outcome. From what I remember the virus stays live for many months in carpet and on the ground.
  15. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    With the pup recovering now he should be okay, once theyve had it they wont get it again, they are shedding the virus in the stool for about a month once recovered so other pups should be kept well away.

    Any pups, young unvaccinated dogs coming into contact with the area that Monroe has been in is at high risk of developing it (almost gauranteed).

    I have used a bleach solution on carpets, there can be discolouration, tiles, concrete I used to use about a 1:8 bleach and water and I used the same for grass, never killed the grass either, I used one of those adaptor/cannisters that you attach to the hose, put the bleach in there and it has a dial on it so you can set it to the amount of chemical/bleach you need with the water (places like Home Depo sell them....cant remember exactly what its called).

    As for how long parvo stays in the ground, theres some controversy over this, the common time limit that most agree on is about 5 years (in dirt, grass etc) but Ive seen quite a few reports that say up to 10 years or even longer.
    Parvo is a year round disease (in most places) but we see a lot more of it after a lot of rain (in S.California usually around March) so Im thinking that the rain soaking into the ground either brings it up to the surface or reactivates it (not quite sure).
  16. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    At one point one of the Vets here in BB (Kim) suggested my Dobie/Lab was Parvo Carrier.
    He had a mild case as a pup then we bleached everything in the house yard as he was in the Vets. The next 4 dogs I had in that yard over the years all got parvo. All survived and the Dobie mix lived on to be 18 years old.
    So I always wonder if it was dog or yard that infected the other dogs.
  17. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Don't just stop at calling animal control, you should also make a complaint with the health department and the USDA. Animal control and the health department are local, but the USDA is state and federal. Call in the big guns. This guy needs a serious trip to the woodshed.
  18. lorelei

    lorelei New Member

    I'm also in the process of filing a complaint against the home where I got Jenni from. My vet has been a tremendous support for me in finding out what needs to be told to the authorities and which ones to call. I've been driving past the house daily to make sure that at the very least there are no other dogs in the home, but no way to stop stray dogs from coming in the yard and picking up the virus that was shed by the two parvo dogs that were already there. And sadly, in Akron, there are many stray dogs running around, and we also have a very corrupt animal control system. Sickening actually. Our Human Society was shut down for several weeks due to a Parvo outbreak. A friend told me that her dog recently came down with Parvo and she elected to pts because she couldn't afford to treat. She called animal control to see if they knew what was wrong with her and they told her it was probably Parvo and went on to say in the borough I live in (Kenmore) almost all the stray dogs picked up have been exposed and have been euthanized. It started somewhere, just don't know where.
  19. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    poor little guy. I actually have a survival story to tell you. My pup just got over parvo about a month ago. She was about 4 1/2 months old and I caught it early enough that she only stayed in the vet for 2 nights, just for them to moniter her eating, and to make sure she could keep it down. She is doing great now. A couple shots and a week or so of pills, and she was doing 100% better. Your little guy seems really young but I hope I brought your spirits up with my story... Was he vaccinated for parvo? My girl was but she had missed 1 and thats why I think she got it. The vet said the vaccination she did get was probably what saved her life. Good luck with your little guy and keep us updated.

  20. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Babymonroe... Please give us an update on Monroe's status since you were able to pick him up from the vet. Thank Goodness this story had a happy ending!!!!!

    I also agree.. pics are a must! Maltepoms are soooo stinkin cute!! I have a friend who has one and I'm totally in love with him....he looks like the Snuggle Bear :) hehe

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