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Help! What to do for matted fur?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Nano, Oct 2, 2005.

  1. Nano

    Nano New Member

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get matts out of our longhaired cat's fur?? I try to comb her fur and cut them out(carefully!), but she has a fit when I go towards her lower back area. She is getting older and doesn't groom herself as well as she should. I used to take her to a groomer when she was younger, but she got to the point she hated it, and it was a real pain for everyone involved!Some one told me to try a little conditioner to loosen the matts up. I wouldn't want to do that for fear of making her sick. Any ideas? Thanks , Nano.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    go to a pet store and get a conditioner that is for cats. you could also put some rescue remedy in her water the day/night prior to working on her. It can have a calming effect. Doesn't work on all pets though. But would be worth a try so she doesn't get too stressed
  3. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    i have seen these combs at the store for long haired cats that have swiveling teeth and its sposed to make mat removal easier. Maybe you could try one of those with a dab of olive oil on the mat if you are concerned about the conditioner? Good luck!
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    And remember that mats can be painfull for cats, so if you don't succeed you should take her to the vet and let them help you. Good luck :)
  5. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    If she's a lap cat, keep a razer handy where you sit and when she relaxes on your lap, you can gently begin shaving the spot. I used to do this with my long hair and she would tolerate it fairly well. She would jump off my lap when it became too irritating but would always come back for more because she seemed to recognise that the loosened mat felt better after letting me gently shave her now and then.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Pumpkin's fur has been matting lately in the lower back area as well. I will cut her fur with a scissors when she is eating her favorite can food. Otherwise she won't let me anywhere near her. :roll:
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    my cat loved to be brushed but be totatly freaked if if got ner hs rear, I found this comb that work great, its metal with the teeth abut 1/4 inch apart and its curved almost in a u shape.

  8. luna

    luna New Member

    if the conditioner doesnt work you may just want to take a pair of siccors and cut the knots-0if they arnt too close to the skin. my cousin has a long haired cat who loves it when she cuts the knotts. i did it once and the cat smiled. we also do it to my dog- she doesnt like it but she tolerates it.
  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    If you have someone to help you, you could have them hold down kitty and use an electric shaver to shave off the fur.

    I bought one at our pet store and use it mostly for around my long haired kitty's bottom to help her keep clean there, but I have also taken off tufts (as we call them) with it.
  10. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i like the electric shaver thats what i use.. ihate just using a plain razor when im trying to do it quick....lol chyanne cant reach her back at the base ofer tail and its always getting matted there and shes short hair but she enjoys it when i shave her she hates the noise it makes but she loves the way it feels i guess... she does this thing w/her mouth when i do it like she is cleaning herself but shes cleaning the air..lol its sooo funny!!!i se it on princess also she has medium hair everywhere but her butt area and her hair is really long there and she is always getting matts under her tail she goes crazy though when she hears the sound of the clippers... sooo i just distract her w/ food or something and shave it quickly...and my dog has flea algeries really bad i mean horrible and just one flea bite and he scratches till he bleeds so when he gets scabs from it i have to shave that area to keep it clean...they might look funny after i get done shaving them but its the easist way and the quickest...

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