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What tricks does your dog do?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by tuttifrutti, Oct 2, 2005.

  1. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    I was just wondering for fun what tricks different people's dogs do. Ranger does several (jump, beg, walk, sit-pretty, crawl, and fetch, except he doesn't respond to fetch he responds to "three" since i always count before i throw, lol) and Snickers..well...she has ADHD, lol. I can't get her to sit still long enough to learn any. Hopefully after we finish basic training i can get her to learn at least a trick, lol.
  2. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    My dogs can play dead, roll over, high five with one paw and shake with the other, bow, speak, whisper, spin, Dooley can weave in and out of your legs while you walk. Darby can dance. Jump on command. Dooley will get you anything you ask for and he knows the names of many items. Dooley and Witt both will open the fridge and get you a soda...I just can't teach them to shut the door after. Dooley knows the most, but Witt is catching up fast.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Natalie rolls over, shakes, sits pretty & speaks. Sebastian dances, shakes, & speaks. I was just looking at a book I was considering purchasing on teaching "tricks" so I could teach some more interesting things to them.
  4. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Awesome. I tried to teach Snickers to shake, but she freaks out when you touch her paw. We've figured out that she had a bad nail-trimming experience, so now her nails are really long because im afraid im going to hurt her when i do it, becuase she suddenly moves. But anyway, I found an awesome book for training. Im using the Idiot's Guide to Dog Tricks, and it has a good section on basic training and then step-by-step for all of the tricks.
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    One of my moms dogs would bring you a Kleenex when you sneezed, it started off were she would put the kleenex hanging out of her jeans pocket and the sneeze was the trigger to fetch the kleenex, she already knew to drop things in front of you.....then it progressed to grabbing a kleenex from the box, caught a few visitors by surprize, theyd sneeze and the dog would give them a kleenex :lol:
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Great! I'll see if I can find it next time I'm at Borders.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    Too funny! :mrgreen:
    Another member (winnie) was recently looking for ways to teach something similiar. She wanted one dog to sneeze on cue and the other to bring a kleenex upon hearing the sneeze.
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I think some dogs are much easier to train for little tricks, it seems as though once youve got a couple of basics down, things like 'roll over', 'crawl' 'speak'....you just advance from there and you get to a point where just about any trick can be done in just a couple of sessions, like the kleenex trick I wouldnt start with until the dog had a good idea of some easier tricks.

    I like the sound of the Idiots Guide to Dog Tricks, have to see if I can get that one. :D
  9. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    paw, beg and 'wheres the cat' [not my cats]. if i say 'wheres the cat' she goes off hunting for imaginary cats.
  10. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    lol, when we go out front, since ranger will come as long as we stay in our front yard he doesn't have a leash on, i can tell him to go "find kitty kitty" and he'll check all of the cat's hiding places in our yard and then the sewer. When he finds her he just stands there wagging his little tail wanting her to play, lol.
  11. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Winnie knows a lot of tricks, i had her for a year by herself before I got my other dogs so I had time to train her. Winnie knows...sit,shake,shake right,sitpretty,down,stay,come,rollover,crawl,turn,stop,turn on light, turn of light, find it, go to your spot, get the ball,speak,up,off,wait,go in the water, drink water,back up, and move.

    I havnt taught the kleenez trick yet, ive been wanting to, but i just got a puppy so im concentrating on training him at the moment. I also want to teach the dogs to walk eachother, obviously not in the street or anything but I thought it would be cute if they held eachothers leashes and started walking eachother around.lol
  12. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    lol, i want to train both of my dog's to do tricks together too, but snickers is falling further and further behind in training, even though this should really be review for both of them, especially snickers since she was professionally trained the first time, i think snickers had a much longer period of time where none of this was used than ranger did, and she seriously had ADHD. This is the dog that in the middle of running up to the patio to greet you, will suddenly run off after a ladybug, then after chasing the ladybug about 6 inches away will see something else to chase...lol, she's quite entertaining.
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    He he he... Sara get ready for this one...

    Well Precious' best trick is eating. The dog can EAT... And Mass quantities at that.
    But she loves her toys. We're working on her recall and fetch seems to be the best way at getting her attention to stay focused and come back. She doesn't like treats, I've gone through all of them. Then Granvel had a hot dog (EWWWWW!!!!!) and she was sooo intrested in them, so small peices are her treats.. yuck!

    Kabuki on the other hand is the party animal as you all know. So far in obediance, she's learned , sit, down, stay (ok working on that one, we're up to a split second so far, LOL)
    She knows heel for the most part, and we're working on voice and whistle comands for herding, though, every time we blow the whistle, she looks at you with this concerned look and cocks her head from one side to the other.

    But her best trick of all.... after sitting on the porch having a nice cold Dr. Pepper or Beer, when your through with the can or bottle, just toss it to her, she'll pick it up, crunch on it for a while then take it to the trash and make her deposite, then she'll bolt back to you with this look of astonishment, and jump up on you waiting for her treat. LOL...

    Its great when we have friends over. I always tell them, "just toss the can or bottle on the ground, the dog will get it!". And when she does, everyone is just estatic!!!

    We didn't teach her that either. She jsut started doing it one day when i was carrying a bag and it ripped spilling its contents. I dragged the trashcan over, and she jsut started helping me put the trash in it!!!

    Now if we can just get her to pick up all the "other" trash.... hmmm
  14. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    That's hilarious! Hmm...if only I could get Ranger and Snickers to pick up the trash that somehow floats into our yard...
  15. 4Ever&aDay

    4Ever&aDay New Member

    Tricks are 4 Kiddies . . .

    I have two doggy-doggs... An American-Bulldog, and a Chinese Shar-Pei.

    As far as tricks, i guess "Speak" would be my Pei's most solid & interesting trick, and for my AB..... Hmmmmmm, i guess "Piggie Back" (he hops on my back with his forelegs over my shoulders. Then i say "ready?", and then he holds on/squeezes me tighter with all 4 legs... And i'm off playing piggy-back with a 90lb AB......

    I dunno...... Who's the weirdo, Me or the Dog:lol:??I LOVE IT.
  16. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    my dog can pull an entire roll of toilet paper of the spindle........drag it thru the entire house, make sure its wrapped around all pieces of furniture........and then chew and shred all of it up. He does this with the paper towels too. dunno if thats a bonified trick...but in Sheppy's mind..it is. Tee hee. He also loves to take the tv remotes and bury them in the yard.........then bring em back in the house a week later when they're no good anymore....he also pulls the Malibu lights right out of the dirt....and buries them too!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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