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upper respiratory infection question

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Oct 5, 2005.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I took Libby to another vet and she does not have demodex. She is not running a fever, nor is she coughing.

    She has a runny nose and is blowing all sorts of goo out of it. She has been sneezing since I got her on Friday but it didn't start to get bad until yesterday. Her lungs are clear.

    Her incision is all yucky now, too. The vet said it is a serum pocket but it is not infected.

    The vet wants her on Clavamox for 10 days. She also said I should quarantine her, even though my dogs have already been exposed.

    Now, if I quarantine her in a room with a closed door, she will be all alone and stressed out. I can't imagine that would be good for her. Right now she is in a crate during the day in the same room as the other dogs, but she is quiet in there. Her nose gets worse when she wakes up and with activity.

    I have been thinking of gating her in one part of the room so she has her own water and is not actually touching the other dogs, but this is probably airborne. I was hoping the antibiotics would knock it out - I know with kids you can send them back to school after 24 hours. But I have the bad feeling this is a virus so it's not going to go away in a day.

    I could try putting her in another room, but not a closed room so she would be near people. She would still be near the cats, though. I am also worried one of the cats will drink from her bowl. Or I can keep her crated in the room with the other dogs. Or just let her run free with the other dogs and take our chances.

    I don't know what to do. I don't want my dogs to get sick, but I don't want Libby to be all alone either. What would you guys do?
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I've been reading about the new canine influenza strain lately. I'd be concerned about that, and keep her away from the other dogs, although, as you said, they've already been exposed. But I don't think I'd take any chances.

    Of course, you don't know if that's what she has, either. But it's a pretty nasty virus. I've read that the mortality rate is somewhere in the range of 5-8%, but no one really knows for sure.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I doubt it's that. It's just a runny nose. Her little immune system is shot all to heck with all she has been through. She doesn't even act sick. She just sneezes and snuffles.

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