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1 1\2 year old Miniture Poodle That has a leaking problem

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Ebwhip the poodle, Aug 1, 2004.

  1. Ebwhip the poodle

    Ebwhip the poodle New Member

    First of all let me be more specific. As you might have already realized The leaking problem I'm refering to is actually urine. She (my dog) will just be laying down or maybe even playing when she will have little leaks of urine. It's uncontrolable for her. It's especially bad considering her age. Is there anyone out there that has a knowledge about such a thing? If so please help!!! :cry:
  2. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    puppies are playful and sometimes if they are overjoyed excited or playing they will urinate alittle on the floor but im not sure about it when they are laying down is she still hyper or excited when lying down?
  3. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    another thing i forgot to mention is if she is not a young dog and is older it may be kidney crystals or she may not be able to control her blater anymore take her to a vet
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    She may have something irregular going on with the uretha. I know there is few people on the poodle forum I go to that have dealt with this sort of problem For a quick fix, you can buy some doggie diapers and put in the human sanitary napkins. Much cheaper. I am going to see if I can private message you with the poo forum I go to ok, If I can't I will edit my post and put the website right here. I have A mini cream poodle named Sasha.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Have you talked to your vet about this yet? It she spayed? It almost sounds like she might have spay incontinence. If so there are medications available to help control this.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    having lived with this for nearly my dog's entire life - I would start with taking a urine sample into the vet and have it checked for a urinary tract infection. That will cause leaking...if this is what it is they'll prescribe an antibiotic to be given for usually 10-14 days.

    If not they'll probably suggest either PPA or DES which is a hormone. Your dog is too young to be suffering from incontinence...although it can happen in younger dogs. Most likely it's a UTI. But she'll need to be on antibiotics for that cause if left untreated you'll start to see blood in her urine.

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