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12 Week Chocolate Lab urinating in crate

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dabiz, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. Dabiz

    Dabiz New Member


    Our 12 week puppy is urinating in her crate. we have had her for 2 weeks now. the puppy is taken out numerous times a day, at least every 2 hours during the day. when the puppy is outside to "go" she urinates up to 3 times while outside. Right now the puppy has Kennel Cough, and is taking meds for this. When she drinks from her water dish she drinks like she is dying of thirst.

    My wife got the puppy from a pet store. Could the fact that she was not taken out and confined to a cage cause this. I thought even if this was true, a dog given a chance to sleep in clean bedding they could hold it.

    The vet says her fecal is normal, but I have not had her checked for a bladder problem.

    Thanks for any help
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    It may be because she was never taken out of her cage at the pet store. I dont know what kind of store she was in. Alot of them I have seen dont take the puppies out except to clean the cages once a week or when a prospective buyer wants to see them. It may also be something is wrong with the puppy, I am not bashing you by saying this but most puppies you get in pet stores come from puppy mills where the mother and babies are not taken care of. I would have her check for any urinary problems.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Unfortunately, I think this is a common problem with pet store puppies. If the meds are causing her to drink alot of water then maybe things will be a little better once she finishes them up.
  4. Walt

    Walt New Member

    In adition to what was already said I would try a smaller creat. My AB was shipped in the largest creat they make and it worked fine for him cause was so big at 3 months. But when I used the same creat for my pitt pup he had enough room to go in the back of the creat and lay down or sleep in the front. So I got a smaller creat and by smaller I mean he could turn around in it and lay down but thats all. he stopped going in the creat that day! No animal wants to sit or lay in its owne waste.

    Hope that helps :y_the_best:
  5. Dabiz

    Dabiz New Member

    Here is the Problem

    Well the cage is just big enough for her to turn around and lat down in. A few times she has laid down in the pee. Luckily she has not gone #2 in the cage. I will let you know how things go when she is off the meds.

    The Meds were for Kennel Cough. The Vet said her throat was red from the cough. I am beginning to think that this is why she drinks so much.

    The problem is that she is a good dog and I can see that she is confused right now about the outside business. Luckily we have another puppy that is "knock on wood" house broken. she makes it easier fot the lab to go out and take care of business.

    I am lucky that with mine and my wife's schedule she is taken outside throughout the day without having to hold it for more than a few hours.

  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I would take her outside even more often, if it is possible. Also, do have her checked for a UTI. She could have an infection which makes it very difficult to hold it!

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