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12 week old Pom

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by zoe282, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. zoe282

    zoe282 New Member

    Hello, I just got a new pom puppy. She is the sweetest little thing, and very tiny. I have a few questions and hopefully someone can help. First, how do i know if she's eating enough. I leave the food out for her (which i know you aren't supposed to do) but i feel if she doesn't eat much and i pick it up she'll be hungry. My next question is that sometimes she seems lethargic. She puts herself into her crate and lays there. When i come to check on her she just looks at me so sad. Is this something I should be worried about? Any help would be appreciated!
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    When you give her food if she doesn't eat pick it up and try again later (like 10 or 15 minutes later). Get her into a routine that she'd supposed to eat at a certain time or certain times (ie. breakfast and dinner i you're going with small meals).

    She's still a puppy and just like babies they need rest too. When Rocky was little he'd try to play so long that he would literally be falling asleep while still trying to play. As long as she seems to be acting normal is could just be that she's tired.
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    My Zoey used to just put herself to bed too. She would play really hard and then konk out! I wouldn't worry as long as she checks out with the vet.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If you just got her, she could be still adjusting to the change. Did you get her from a breeder, so that she came to you straight from a litter? If so, she could be missing her mom and siblings. It will pass with time. Have you had her to the vet? Any new dog you should bring to the vet within the first few days, just to check everything out. If she has had shots recently, that could cause the lethargy as well.

    A puppy that age should be fed about 3 times a day. I think we left the food out for Nala when she was a pup, if I remember correctly. She liked to graze throughout the day rather than eat it all at once. Funny, since now she gobbles down anything put in front of her. :)
  5. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    Congrats on your Pom. I just love my two. Anyway, I probably am wrong in the way I feed mine, but it works for now. I give them 1/4 of a cup of food 3 times a day. (little one gets his 4 time a day) I don't remove it though. They each have their own and can't get to the others food. If they eat all that is given, then I will give them more when feeding time comes again. If they don't eat it all, then I don't give them any. Neither one are big eaters. They like to pick, play and then when they remember come back for more. It has seemed to work for me so I don't mess with it any. I know that you aren't suppose to leave it out for free will, but I do. No matter what, they never get more then their alloted amount though. Neither one of them are overweight. They are both so hyper they burn it off right away.

    As far as the crate thing, I agree with Jamiya. She probably isn't use to being away from her "family" and could be missing them. My 3 month old Pom still sleeps alot. My older one is up most of the day, but sure crashes at night. Some Poms also just have that look. Hunter has such a sad look all the time and Lacie always looks so happy. Just difference in dogs.

    Do you have pics of your baby? Would love to see her!
  6. zoe282

    zoe282 New Member

    Picture of my pom puppy

    I'd love to post pictures of my Pom...How do I put one up?
  7. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    I have mine hosted at photobucket. It is a free hosting site. All you need to do is load it onto that site (or any other one) and then under the pic, will have different links. You need to copy the link. It will have that on both ends. Just come here and then paste it.
    Here are my babies..........
    This one is Lacie

    This one is Hunter

    Can you see that he has a sad look and she is happy. :D
  8. zoe282

    zoe282 New Member

    This is my baby tinkerbell

    I'm not sure if I am doing this right...here is my first shot of posting a pic of my puppy. hopefully this works!\


  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    AWWWWWW!! I have always wanted a Pom!!!
  10. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    My turn!!

    Here's my "little sister" Siouz-Zee:

    Here's my "little brother" Reuben:
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    You all have such cute Poms! I recently puppy sat one for a few weeks and she was an absolute doll. :D

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