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3 month old Shihpoo and Cats

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Sunshinne83, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member

    I have a 3 month old shihpoo and two 1 1/2 year old cats (sisters). Everytime the cats even move an inch the dog is on them trying to play. The cats are taking it well though, they dont really play with her but they dont hurt her either. The problem is the dog keeps barking at them. And i mean non-stop barking. All day, all night. Last night no matter what we did she wouldnt stop barking at them. We tried locking the dog in our room with us, but the cats normally sleep on the bed with us and kept scratching at the door which made the dog bark even more because she knew they were there. I dont know what to do. I love my puppy to death and my cats. I am worried other people are going to complain as we live in an apartment, i am not sure if they can hear her or not. Is this something that is going to go on forever or something she will grow out of? Does anyone have any suggestion on how to get her to stop barking at them? Is this common, did anyone else ever have this problem?
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    How long have you had the puppy? Maybe its just an issue of time....once she gets used to them being around and learns that they are'nt interested in playing she may stop barking at them. For now, try to redirect her to something else. If she is facinated by the cats because they move you might be able to find a remote type toy that you can redirect her to. I had a remote mouse for my cats which my dogs also enjoyed.
    Lots and lots of exercise may also help...if you tire her out well she will be too tired to bother with the cats.
  3. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member

    Thank so much for the suggestions. I have had Emma for 3 weeks now. i am hoping it is just because the cats are something new. Thats a great idea about the control toy. I am going to have to pick up one. Sometimes I can distract her enough that she will leave them alone for a few minutes but then the minute they move again. She has tons of energy. I take her for a walk every day but we live in an apartment so I am wondering if that has something to do with it.

    I guess time will tell. If we had more room i would think about getting another dog for her to play with but two cats and a dog in an apartment is probably too much already. lol.

    Thanks again!

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