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5 month Am Staff sores on paws

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Dixon81, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. Dixon81

    Dixon81 New Member

    I have been walking my Am Staff more than usual lately trying. Its winter in Mass and she isnt getting as much outside time as when i first got her. So i decided to walk her everyday to try to get some of her energy out. But i have noticed that a couple of open sore spots have been forming. Im thinking it is from the walking. I was just wondering what i should put on the paws to stop this. I heard of some kind of paw wax that toughens up the paws. is this any good?
  2. rowdiebrindlepit

    rowdiebrindlepit New Member

    when i take my dogs outside and there is snow on the ground i usually put some vasoline on their feet. may help. i think it does, i definetly keeps snow balls from sticking.

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