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55 gal tank with kifefish,oscar,and senegal bichir

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by jenny, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. jenny

    jenny New Member

    i just set up this 55gal tank in it are a 3"bichir,a 3.5" clown knifefish, and a 2.5" oscar. I'm wondering how well these guys will get along. The tank has driftwood and plants for cover. I drop in pellets during the day and feeder guppies befor i turn out the lights at night. I've had them only for a week, so no real aggresion has shown yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Well, in a few months it's going to be severely overstocked. As soon as possible, I'd return the clown knife. They can get around 4 feet long and need several hundred gallons.

    I would also return either the oscar or the bichir since a 55 is really only big enough for a single oscar and maybe, with a lot of maintenance required, a small bottom feeder (about 6" tops). And depending on the species, the bichir can get anywhere from 1 - 2 feet long. So the 55 won't be big enough for both.

    Also, feeder guppies (unless you breed them yourself or quarantine them for at least 2 - 4 weeks) are a really good way to introduce all kinds of nasty parasites & diseases to your tank. And they're not the best diet for oscars either.


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