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A cross post from the Protection Sport Assoc (PSA)

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Walt, May 29, 2004.

  1. Walt

    Walt New Member

    **WARNING** Swifer Wetjet contains anti-freeze!!!!
    Posted by Sammy on 5/4/2004, 11:54 am

    Ooo this is scary considering I just cought a Swifer thingie for our wood floors...
    >Warning for your animal's health:
    >I recently had a neighbor who had to have their 5-year old German
    >Shepherd dog put down due to liver failure. The dog was completely
    >healthy until a few weeks ago, so they had a necropsy done to see what the
    >cause was. The liver levels were unbelievable, as if the dog had
    >ingested poison of some kind. The dog is kept inside, and when he's
    >someone's with him, so the idea of him getting into something unknown
    >was hard to believe. My neighbor started going through all the items in
    >the house. When he got to the Swiffer Wetjet, he noticed, in very tiny
    >print, a warning which stated "may be harmful to small children and
    >animals." He called the company to ask what the contents of the cleaning
    >agent are and was astounded to find out that anitfreeze is one of the
    >ingredients. (actually he was told it's a compound which is one
    >molecule away from anitfreeze). Therefore, just by the dog walking on the
    >floor cleaned with the solution, then licking it's own paws, and the dog
    >eating from its dishes which were kept on the kitchen floor cleaned with
    >this product, it ingested enough of the solution to destroy its liver.
    >Soon after his dog's death, his housekeepers' two cats also died of
    >liver failure. They both used the Swiffer Wetjet for quick cleanups on
    >their floors. Necropsies weren't done on the cats, so they couldn't file
    >a lawsuit, but he asked that we spread the word to as many people as
    >possible so they don't lose their animals.
  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    This is actuallly a myth. I posted this here about a month ago.

    I got this from Snopes.com. Aswell, after I posted this myth, someone on the board emaild Swiffer and there was a reply that there was nothing harmful in the product.

    I personally don't use this product, however, were I ever to use it, I would keep my dog off the floor for up to an hour afterwards. She has a habit of lickin ganything wet. Always better safe than sorry.

    Here's what I found about Swiffer:

    Claim: The Swiffer WetJet poses a general danger to household pets.

    Status: False.

    Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2004]

    Sound familiar?
    I recently had a neighbor who had to have their 5-year old German Shepherd dog put down due to liver failure. The dog was completely healthy until a few weeks ago, so they had a necropsy done to see what the cause was. The liver levels were unbelievable, as if the dog had ingested poison of some kind. The dog is kept inside, and when he's outside, someone's with him, so the idea of him getting into something unknown was hard to believe. My neighbor started going through all the items in the house. When he got to the Swiffer Wetjet, he noticed, in very tiny print, a warning which stated "may be harmful to small children and animals." He called the company to ask what the contents of the cleaning agent are and was astounded to find out that antifreeze is one of the ingredients. (actually he was told it's a compound which is one molecule away from anitfreeze).

    Therefore, just by the dog walking on the floor cleaned with the solution, then licking it's own paws, and the dog eating from its dishes which were kept on the kitchen floor cleaned with this product, it ingested enough of the solution to destroy its liver.

    Soon after his dog's death, his housekeepers' two cats also died of liver failure. They both used the Swiffer Wetjet for quick cleanups on their floors. Necropsies weren't done on the cats, so they couldn't file a lawsuit, but he asked that we spread the word to as many people as possible so they don't lose their animals.

    Origins: So much about this anonymous message purportedly detailing the demise of someone's neighbor's dog and that neighbor's housekeeper's two cats is either wrong or unverifiable that we cannot see how it could reasonably be considered anything but false:

    The message gives no information about its writer or either of the pet owners, and thus provides no avenue through which inquiries can be made to verify its contents. It appears to have been disseminated through its posting to many different dog-related newsgroups and mailing lists, always by a second-hand source who had "received it in e-mail."

    The claims that the cleaning agent used with the Swiffer WetJet is "antifreeze" or "a compound which is one molecule away from" something else are quite similar to a number of other alarmist scares we've seen (such as one about margarine) and are indicative of an uninformed writer's making unwarranted assumptions.

    According to P&G's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), most of the cleaning fluid used in the Swiffer WetJet system is water (somewhere between 90 and 100 percent), with propylene glycol n-propyl ether and isopropyl alcohol making up between 1 and 4 percent each, and the remainder of the solution composed of minor ingredients and preservatives.

    The two most common compounds found in antifreeze and deicing solutions are ethylene glycol and propylene glycol. The former has been identified as posing a danger to pets, but propylene glycol is much safer than ethylene glycol — it has been classified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an additive that is "generally recognized as safe" for use in food, it is found in a variety of medicines and cosmetics, and it is recommended as a safe alternative to antifreeze for pet owners. Moreover, what the Swiffer Wetjet cleaning solution contains is not propylene glycol itself, but propylene glycol n-propyl ether, an ingredient found in many, many different brands and types of household cleaning products. If this compound truly posed a significant risk of causing fatal liver damage in cats and dogs, we should be hearing about many more pet deaths associated with cleaning products other than the Swiffer WetJet.

    Also note that the danger posed to pets by antifreeze (i.e., ethylene glycol) has to do kidney failure, not destruction of the liver as claimed in the message quoted above.

    The warning message claims that the anonymous writer found on his WetJet packaging a warning label which stated that the product "may be harmful to small children and animals."

    We examined the warning labels on every Swiffer WetJet product we could find at our local stores, and none of them bore such wording. The labelling on all these products (i.e., the Swiffer WetJet Power Mop with Jet-Action Sprayer, the Wood Floor Cleaner, the Multi-Purpose Cleaner, and the Cleaning Pad Refill) was identical and read: "AVOID ACCIDENTS: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS. In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with water. If irritation persists, call a physician."

    This is the standard boilerplate warning label found on virtually every household cleaning product to inform users that cleaning agents are generally caustic and may be harmful should they come into direct contact with the eye. On Swiffer products, the first line of the warning (the one referencing children and pets) was presented in block letters and in darker type that the rest of the message, all of which was listed in three languages: English, French, and Spanish.

    Only the warning carried on the Antibacterial Cleaner solution was different — after an expanded caution about not getting the product into one's eyes and the procedure for flushing exposed eyes with water, it concluded, ''Contact a Poison Control Center or doctor for treatment advice. Have the product container or label with you when calling the Poison Control Center or doctor or going for treatment." Nowhere on this label was there mention of children or pets, and even the part of the warning devoted to Poison Control Centers and doctors might well have applied only to the preceding passage about getting the solution into one's eyes. No Swiffer product carried a warning cautioning users that its toxicity might pose a danger to children or pets, as suggested by the message quoted above.

    On its web site, Procter and Gamble explains its Swiffer WetJet cleaning system as an all-in-one, ready-to-use mopping system. According to the entry in its "Swiffer Q&A" section devoted to the question of whether the product is safe to use around pets:

    Great news for you and your pets! Swiffer Wet and Swiffer WetJet are specially designed to not leave a residue on the floor, so there's no need to rinse. We suggest you make sure the floor is completely dry before letting your pet walk on it, though, because wet floors can be slippery. Since there isn't a residue, there are no problems if your pet licks the floor.

    No more worrying about the owner of those muddy paw prints. You can enjoy the convenience of our Swiffer products without any worries for your pet's safety.
    In direct response to the e-mail's charge, Procter and Gamble has posted a rebuttal:

    There is a false Internet rumor circulating rapidly among pet owners alleging that Swiffer WetJet may contain antifreeze and is harmful to pets. The Wet cloths and WetJet liquid solution cleaners do not contain antifreeze or any ingredient similar to it. In fact, all Swiffer products are safe to use around pets.

    We evaluated the Swiffer Wet cloths and WetJet cleaners to ensure they're safe — a fact confirmed by the ASPCA, independent veterinarians and scientists. In fact, for nearly five years, people in over 38 million U.S. homes have safely used Swiffer products on everything from the kitchen and living room floors to tables and ceiling fans.

    We have pets too, and their health and well-being is very important to us. Please help us stop this rumor by sharing the truth with others.
    The ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center has also issued a statement declaring this rumor to be unfounded:

    Veterinary toxicologists at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center have reviewed the claim described in a widely distributed email alleging a relationship between the use of Swiffer Wet Jet and liver failure in a dog. The email alleges that exposure to the ingredients in Swiffer Wet Jet caused a dog's death.

    The Swiffer Wet Jet system contains water (90-100%), propylene glycol n-propyl ether or propylene glycol n-butyl ether and isopropyl alcohol (1-4%). These ingredients are safe to use around pets when used according to label directions and would not cause liver damage at product concentrations. Propylene glycol n-butyl/propyl ether differs significantly from ethylene glycol, the potentially toxic ingredient present in most antifreeze products. Ethylene glycol is frequently implicated in causing renal failure in dogs following antifreeze ingestion. Propylene glycol n-propyl ether and propylene glycol n-butyl ether are very safe ingredients at levels used in cleaning products and do not cause kidney or liver failure.
    If this warning is as unsubstantiated as it appears to be, then why did someone write it? One possibility is that most pet owners are of course quite distraught when beloved, apparently healthy animal companions die for no obvious reason, and in their grief they understandably try to make sense of the otherwise unexplainable by finding something to which the deaths can be attributed. Unfortunately, this emotional reaction often leads people to lay the blame on agents that may have only a coincidental connection to events. For example, a pet owner re-carpets his home, and a week later both his dogs suddenly die. In this circumstance, many people would quite naturally assume that the new carpeting — which draws attention as the most substantial and visible change to the household — must have been connected to the death of the dogs, but much more evidence would be necessary to draw that conclusion. Quite possibly a factor (or combination of factors) unrelated to carpeting was the cause, and the timing of the dogs' deaths was completely coincidental. Or the connection may have been tangential — perhaps after the new carpeting was installed, the residents took to removing their shoes upon entering the house; the dogs, now having convenient access to those shoes, began to chew or lick them, thereby picking up some kind of toxin or illness-causing biological agent carried in from the outside on those shoes.

    Also, given this message's similarity to a different, unfounded e-mail warning about another Procter & Gamble product, Febreeze, we'd have to consider the possibility that someone with a grudge against Procter & Gamble is maliciously trying to damage the company by deliberately spreading false information about their products.
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that is so weird because yesterday I was at a urban legends website and it was talking about this is a myth and stuff. But they said (and I haven'T had time to read this whole thing) something about dog being allergic to raisins? know anything about that?
  4. Nik

    Nik New Member

    I don't know about being allergic, but I found out off here that grapes aren't very good for them, and rasins are from the same family, aren't they? :?
  5. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Rasins ARE grape just dried
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Rasins are dehydrated grapes!! LOL. Prunes are dehydrated plumbs!!!

    Rasins and grapes are supposed to be very bad for your dogs! I love them. But their expensive so I don't buy them often.

    As for swiffer. Smokey had this awful cough a while back. I swiffer the porch where they stay at night everyday, and I quit using it, he quit caughing!!!!!

    Myth or not, I"m not using it around my animals again. But I do have to say, I LOVE that DUSTER!!!!! IT takes dust off the celing fans like nothing else!!!!
  7. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Sam very true. Anything that reduces housework is a friend of mine!

    A couple of people have said they will stop using the wet jet, I wonder if it changed anything in other dogs?

    Glad Smokey is no longer coughing. Just had to quit smoking I guess.hehe ;)

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