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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Kassandra, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member

    Hello, im Kassandra. Im new. If you want to for short you can call me Kass, or Kassy, or Kaci((pronounced kc)). I have a cat, her names Candy she's 4 years old. There was a dog over here last friday, and my cat started PLAYING with her with MY little duck teddy. Anyways, I was trying to convince my mom into getting a dog. Me, my dad, and my sister want one, but my moms worried 'cause of her allergies.
    The dog that came here last friday, was a beagle, names Whiz, and she pooped and I proved to my mom that I could clean up the poop by cleaning it up, so I did it, but then when they left she had to SWEEP 2 times, and she found LOTS of hairs from Whiz, so I was thinking....DO YOU KNOW ANY LITTLE SHEDDING OR NON-SHEDDING DOGS? AND LIKE MY MOM WOULDNT BE ALLERGIC?

    Anyways, I've got to go, nice talking to you!! *MwAh*

    Kassandra :y_the_best:
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    My family members that are allergic to dogs don't seem to have any problems with breeds such as Shih Tzus, Yorkies or Poodles. There are lots of other small breeds that are likely to be okay for allergy suffers. I'm sure others will have some more suggestions for you. :D
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Sorry this is really broad, but someone once told me there is something you can put on cats (don't know if they have it for dogs or not) so if a friend comes over and they could be alleric to cats, but don't know you have a cat, you put this on and there should be no problems.
    good luck, moms are often hard to convince. How old are you?
  4. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member

    Im 11, and I've been wanting a dog since I was really small. But I DOUBT I'll ever get one cause of my mom, but all my other family members want one, and I'M the ONLY one trying to convince her into getting one.
    No one wants to help me.....

    Kassandra :y_the_best:
  5. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member


    read these sites really well. They may help you.

    I read that you are 11 so I am going to tell you something.... dogs are a lot more work then just picking up the poop. You will have to brush it everyday, walk it everyday, give it fresh water everyday, feed it everyday, take it to the vet when it is sick, keep up on shots, if you go on a vacation you will have to pay someone to take care of it while you are gone if you can't take it with you. There is a lot more but it is morning and I haven't had my full ration of coffee yet. lol
    Just be sure you are really ready for a dog. They live to be up to 15 or more years old. It will always need someone to care for it. And since you are the one that seems to want it the most... you will probably be the one expected to take care of it. I am not trying to tell you not to get one... just be aware of what it takes to care for one.
  6. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member

    yes I know, but I find it fun to do all this work for a dog. Like u know brushin it, picking up the poop, everything! I LOVE them! there was a dog here, a beagle, last friday, it was just so cute! :p

    Good day! :D

    XoX :wink:

    Kassandra :y_the_best:
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I have an idea, because it is what I am doing right now! but maybe you could walk your neighbors/friends dogs. I know it isn'T the same as having your own. But you get a taste of the responsibility!

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