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A Good Day for PitBulls

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by loves-da-pits, May 4, 2004.

  1. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    For the ones who couldn't view the article, the run down on it. Denver has had a ban on all Bull Terriors since 1986. Gov. Bill Owens signed a bill April 21, outlawing bans on P.B. Before Denver had a city ordinance that if you owned a P.B., AmStaff., and the Staffordshire Terrior, you would have to surrender them to have them euthanized or move out of the city limits.Republican State Rep Debbie Stafford sponsored a bill that would stiffen civil penalties on dog owners whos dogs are not controlled and a menace to the community, but contained a provision forbidding breed bans. Denver has killed thousands of family pets, 410 were P.B. that never hurt anyone. The state bill stopped the killing of 22 Bull Terriors that were sitting on Death Row. The Gov. said what Denver is doing is "Doggie Profiling." Needless to say, the Denver City Council is upset that their ordinance was shut down by State Government. Karen Delise, author of a book, "Fatal Dog Attacks" says 20 people a year are killed in this country by various dogs. The data she has collected says there is no evidence that P.B. in general were inherently vicious by nature to kill people. When calling around shelters across the country she found too may Pits are being owned by irresponsible people. By banning a breed you're putting the focus on the breed itself and ignoring the real factors that contributed to it's behavior. What this boils down to is, this is a great victory for the PitBulls. The tides are finally turning and people are beginning to realize that the breed itself is not the culprit. It's the wrong type of people who own them.
  2. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    YAY! :eek: Nice to see that there are people finally coming to their senses about breed bans. Thanks for posting that. Made my day.
  3. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    thanks for reposting that. Great news!
  4. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    thanks for reposting that. Great news!

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