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A Teddy Bear puppy.

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by zarate, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    I could just shoot my mom sometimes!! I love her to death but she gets me into the biggest messes! I currently have an 11 1/2 month old chi male pup who is a wonderful dog. Crate trained, house trained, does some tricks, goes out w/o his lead for a bathroom run, comes right back....I couldn't ask for a better dog. Well, my mom's cousin knows someone that has a "Teddy Bear" (yourkie, poodle, maltese mix) puppy to give away. I don't recall how many were in the litter, but she's got one left that needs a home. They are not ready to go yet, they are only like 3 weeks old, and she won't let them go before like 8 or 10 weeks old, and with their first shots. They have their tails docked already. Well my mom's cousin asked if I wanted one as we were looking for a friend for our chi pup awhile ago. We wanted to get another one while he was younger, but would he be able to bond with this puppy at his age? I realize he's not an adult right now...not quite yet. But I suppose he'd be super jealous. All our animals are jealous of each other, tho they never fight. My cat was very open when we got the chi, so I think he'd be ok with another pup, but my main concern is my chi (and my sanity! LOL) I am also 6 mos pregnant.
    But does anyone have any input, good idea, bad idea? I've seen them mentioned once before on this site, but prior to that I've not seen the name before. Are there any health concers I should know about? Thanks a bunch!
  2. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Well I guess that is out of the question. Some guy called this lady and offered her $350 for the pup. I've read that Teddy Bear dogs are an actual breed now, with some association (don't recall which one) but a lot are breeding various small dogs and calling them Teddy bear puppies and making big bucks. So, if this is an actual breed....what is the correct mix of dogs? Not that I'm going to go out and get one but I'm just curious. Thanks
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    i don't think that is a true breed at all. That has to be a lie. I don't think your moms cousin should be breeding at all. You should take the mom and the dad and all the puppies, neuter them and take care of them!
  4. zarate

    zarate New Member

    I was quite suspicious of the "teddy bear" breed, that's why I asked. It's NOT my moms cousin that's breeding them, it's a lady from her town. My moms cousin has nothing to do with the "production" of these puppies. Someone she knows told her about them and they happened to be looking for a new dog as they had to put their 15 y/o toy poodle mix to sleep a few months ago. I just wanted to clear things up, it's not my family doing this, they know better! All our pets are spayed/neutered. Even the rabbits. Thanks.
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    even the rabbits! can that be done? I have never really had rabbits!
    I still think you should take all of them!
  6. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Yup, you sure can fix bunnies too. I've heard it done on small rodents such as hamsters as well, tho I've never actually seen that done....so who knows with that one. That would be tedious work!
    I really would love to take all the puppies, but they are all spoken for. I'd love to have a pal for my pup, he's gonna be a year old tomorrow. I only work 2 or 3 days a week, and on the days my husband and I both work he's at home in his crate. He likes his crate very much. But we'd still like him to have company in the day when we aren't home...other than the cat, even tho they both sleep in there together when we're home LOL. These 2 get along really really good. My dog is very social as well, he loves other animals and is well behaved around them.

    But.....back to the puppies there were 3, but one was stillborn. My moms cousin is taking one and some guy offered this woman money for the second one. So they both have homes. She was giving them away, but now she seems to think she can make money off of them so she's gonna breed to sell. This woman raises yorkies and sells them $700/ each!!!
    I've also learned that this lady is a trucker!! I heard she's got 2 litters of puppies in her, along with their parents. So, she's obviously got some issues. Those poor dogs being stuck in a semi all the time. Tho, I suppose some dogs could like it, for maybe a day, but no longer than that.....it's too much for the lil guys! My dog loves going for rides....but theres a big diffrence, he's only in the car about 15-20 minutes then he gets out n' runs and plays.
  7. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    My bunny is going in to be spayed after the holidays. It helps with their overall health like ovarian cancer. It also helps t curb and behaviour issues.
  8. doglover1234

    doglover1234 New Member

    I would hope they dont start to recognize "teddy bear " as a size those dogs are incorrectly breed and may have medical problems. They are just breeding teeeny dogs to more teeny dogs. So you mean this woman takes newborn puppies in a semi with her ? I agree it does sound like she has some problems!!! I wish all her animal luck !
  9. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    Yeah, there are some dog registries that will literally register just about anything. (Someone I knew had their cat registered as a german shepherd... all it takes is $15 and 3 people swearing that it looks purebred to them. :p)

    The AKC and CKC (Canadian Kennel Club, NOT continental kennel club, which is a mutt registry....) are the most reliable registries, (on this side of the world! I don't know much about UK/European/Australian registires!) as they won't register mutts and non-purebreds, but simply having an AKC or CKC registration doesn't assure quality, it simply means that they know who the parents are. :)
  10. zarate

    zarate New Member

    I agree with the CKC (continental kennel club) because that is the paper that came with my dog. My vet swore the first time I took him in that he was a mix (not that it matters to me, I love my dog to pieces no matter what he is!) cuz he was larger than he thought a chihuahua should be. He's now just over a year old and is about 10 pounds. He looks like a chihuahua to me and my husband. He doesn't bark tho, and is very social, and loves everyone. My dog also had fleas when i got him. That's never a good thing. I'll never get a dog from a breeder again (this is the first time we've ever gone through a "breeder") I'll stick with the shelters....they are the ones that need the help!

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