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Adult dog is now shredding the puppy pads - help!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by enhpad, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. enhpad

    enhpad New Member

    My now 6 1/2 year old Maltepoo has been for the last couple of weeks shredding up the puppy pad in "her room" that she stays in when we are not home. She has never done this before and has just all of a sudden started doing it everyday! (She goes outside to eliminate when we are home, and rarely uses the pad when we are gone, but I'm afraid to remove it altogether because of those times when she does use it - I don't want a puddle on the floor).

    I bought a puppy pad holder and tried that. That didn't work! She won't get on the pad at all if it's in the holder and did "puddle" on the floor (even one time at night while we were sleeping, she went on the carpet in the bedroom instead of going into the bathroom that is right there and using the pad because it was in the holder).

    Now, here's the really funny part - I'm bringing a new puppy home in 2 days! I did tell her that she was getting a new little sister, but I never dreamed that she would actually understand me and start acting out before the puppy is even here! - LOL! But really, I am concerned, because very soon (provided that the two of them get along well, they will be sharing the "room" when we are away, and if my older dog shreds up the pad, what will the puppy do? And I KNOW the puppy will need to use the pad!

    Any advise or suggestions? Or anyone had this happen before and have some idea while she would suddenly start doing this?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    You may be on to something here. She may not understand what you are telling her about the new puppy but she may be noticing a diffrence in things around that house and it may be upseting her. New things that arent for her, you are excited, this kind of things. Really thats about all I can think of, she may be getting bored with her toys. I dont know but like I said she may be noticing a change and is upset that she doesnt understand.
  3. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Sounds like she is bored being in the room all day while alone. Even nicely behaved adult dogs are inclined to get bored if they are left alone too long and unexercised..... Perhaps she isn't getting out as much these days? The length of time alone could be the result of this new behavior too.

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