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All my birds have homes now!!!

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by zarate, Sep 24, 2005.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Hey everyone! I haven't been in here for so long! We are still getting settled into the new place and we've FINALLY got the internet! Well here's an update. The last time I was in here I was looking for new homes for my birds...I had a bunch. It was so hard to decide who to keep and who I couldn't. I had parakeets and zebra finches. Well a few of my in-laws who have always loved coming to see my birds have taken most of them. There was only one person I didn't know that took 4 parakeets. She is a nurse and has 2 daughters, and she absolutely loves the birds. She drove quite aways just to see them. She cared for her mothers bird for a week and fell in love with it. I still talk to her and she gives me updates and the birds were already getting up on her finger a couple days after she got them. She took 2 birds, her mother took one and her aunt took one. I am so relieved that they all went to very good loving homes!!
    It was so hard to chose which birds to keep, so I decided to only keep one....my all time favorite that I've had for a few years now. I brought him here yesterday and all while he was in the car he chirped and chirped then I put him in a new bigger cage and he is so happy. He dove right into his food dish. Well, that's where I'm at now...I feel naked without my birds :( But I guess now I've got more time for Trouble, my one and only budgie. Take care all.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Its alwasy hard finding new homes for animals i will be the first to admit it brings a tear to my eyes when i re home my animals as you get so attached to them.

    The best thing about them going to loving caring people that you can keep in contact with is that you get regular updates on there progress aswell as pictures, Plus it gives you comfort knowing they are well looked after.

    Keep us update of all there progress and glad to hear that trouble is settled without the other birds around.

  3. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Congrads with the new place and lifestyle!!
    I myself am Moving next satruday and I have 4 budgies a parrotlet and a fish tank hehe.. small scare compared to you but my first move with so many animals... and am not in good standing with teh landlord right now... so im protecting them too hehe
    anyways congrads!!!
  4. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Thanks guys!
    I still have the puppy...well he's almost a dog now :p
    He's 9 1/2 months old, 1 more aquarium, and my old fat cat to bring in to complete all my animals being moved. The pup comes to the new place everytime we bring a load over or just come to spiff it up or what-not. My cat is almost 8 years old so this isn't his first move. As long as I'm there, that's his home. I should have named him shadow, he's always on my heels!
    I think trouble will miss his pals, but I think he likes being back in the spot light. He was an only bird for a couple of years. I am nervous about moving my aquarium tho. I'll figure something out tho.
    Bye all!

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