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Allergies in a Toy Poodle

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Sunshine, Apr 15, 2005.

  1. Sunshine

    Sunshine New Member

    Hi everyone

    Need some advice dont know which way to go, just got home from the vets with Princess (toy Poodle). Had her checked out for ears and eyes as she has alot of tear staining and she always shaking her head and stratching behind her ears. Everything turned out clear, the vet thinks she has allergies but im not sure which food to give her he suggested to put her on Lamb and rice but im not sure which brand to go with she is on Natural Balance Patoto and duck right now, so im open for suggestions in which Brand to choose as Natural Balance doesnt make Lamb and rice.

    Also someone mentioned (Solid Gold Dog food Hund-N-Flocken) does anyone have any suggestions or opitions about this dog food.

    http://solidgoldhealth.com/products/sho ... 1&code=100
  2. zarate

    zarate New Member

    dog food suggestion 4 you

    I don't know if you are farmiliar with science diet, but that's what I feed my chi puppy. My vet recommended the lamb and rice science diet when he's older. It is a bit pricey, but worth it, I notice my pup poops less than when I had other dogs, and on a different brand. And I don't imagine your toy poodle can eat a lot of food, so I think paying that little extra would be well worth it. There is my 2 cents worth :mrgreen:
  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    If you want to try lamb and rice, try to find Diamond lamb and rice. I used it for many years and was very happy with the results. All my dogs had great coats, lots of energy, no itching, no ear infections, and lived long, healthy lives. What more can you ask for in a food? Oh, yes....it's much less expensive than some of the other premium foods. No advertising costs, LOL.

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