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Am I doing this right?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by robina, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. robina

    robina New Member

    Thank you so much for being there for me to ask, Everybody!

    How do I know when my 3 month old Pomapoo is housebroken? I keep him with me always, since he's too little to jump down, I keep him on my desk, couch, bed or kitchen bench (he never soils these places)and floor when I'm down there with him only to catch him sniffing around. He never barks to let me know he wants to do out or even goes up to the door. Will this come with time? Am I doing the right thing? My hubby is happy because the floor is clean, but how can I teach him to let me know when he needs to go out? Will I have to keep him off the floor forever? Any insight would be very much appreciated.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Preventing any accidents from happening inside is a great start. You can add a phrase when you are about to let him outside too such as "gotta go outside?". He will learn what this means over time. You can also teach him to speak before opening the door. He will learn that speaking makes the door open and is likely to use it when he needs to.
  3. robina

    robina New Member

    This is great! I do tell him "let's go potty!" One more question: how can I teach him to speak to go out, but not to bark for food at the table?
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    If you only ask him to "Speak" to get the door open I don't think he will relate this to "speaking" for table scraps unless you specifically teach him to by offering food from the table after he speaks.
    If he does ever speak for table scraps you would simply make sure that he is never reinforced for it by completely ingnoring him. Behaviors that are'nt reinforced become extinct, he may then try another behavior. It would be beneficial for you to teach him to do something specific while you eat such as go to his crate or lay on his bed quietly right from the start. You could even give him a kong to keep him occupied.

    My dog never bothered me while I was eating until I started giving her food while I was eating. This became annoying (she would drool and whine) so I later taught her to lay on the floor quietly near me while I eat and she will get a little taste when I'm finished.
  5. robina

    robina New Member

    Thank you very much. I've taught him some bad habbits already, but he's so young, I'm sure he can unlearn these, right?

    What is a kong? And where can I get one?

    I'm very thankful for the time you've given me here!!
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Your welcome. :D

    You can always teach him a new behavior to replace an old undesirable behavior but its much easier to just teach him what you want right from the begining. In other words, if he's doing things that you won't tolerate once he's an adult its best not to allow those behaviors to occur while he's a puppy either.

    A kong is a rubber toy that is hallow inside. It can be filled with all kinds of goodies (which are not all that easy to get out) and will keep many dogs occupied for hours. You can find them at just about any pet supply store.

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