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Another one of my Dead Bettas and Tank Stocking Suggestions!

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Nameless, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    First my Snowflake (betta) died like last month and then I got a new betta that I didn't name and now my new betta was dead this morning. I dunno what is going on. I did water changes every 6 or 7 days which is acceptable for a bowl around 3 gallons. My ammonia was low and so was my nitrates. My water was good. I fed him well too, i would feed him his betta pellets and then I would give him brine shirmp or bloodworms as a treat, and I don't know why my bettas keep dying so quickly. So now I give up on bettas, but I can only have a fish bowl in my room. I was suggested to buy a Goldfish, but we al know that they get very big, too big for a bowl. So now I want something to keep me company in my room to help me focus. I need suggestions. Also, I'm going to get right of the convict babies in my 40 something gallon tank with my ropefish ( i think it is a 45 gallon or 48 gallon, but not a hundred percent sure) and I don't know what kind of fish would be good with my ropefish. My brother also has a tank with a convict that is a fully grown aggressice male about 5-6 inches, that within about 3 months killed two 9 inches oscars, a red tailled shark, about 6 other convicts and other fish. What can I put with him. He is in a very big empty tank?
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    How low? What was the number? How where the bettas acting before they died?

    You could put some apple snails in the 3 gallon. Or a couple guppies (it's filtered right?)

    As for the aggressive con, if he's already killed all those other fish, I wouldn't try putting anything else with him. Some fish just will not tollerate any tankmates at all.

  3. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I don't remember the how low exactly but, if you can take my word for it, it was at a safe level and my betta acted like he usually did, he seemed happy and then all of a sudden he dies. I had feeder guppies and I sumped them in my tank with the convicts and my ropefish and they were gone when I turned the lights out to go to the next room and came back and apple snails don't seem as amazing as my betta. The bowl is unfortunately unfiltered. I guess I can give away that really agressive convict, but I don't know what to put with the ropefish. Any suggestions?

    DUCKLE-BUM New Member

    Ropefish can be quite fiesty and will happily eat any smaller sized fish. i.e- danios, small tetras and the like. Also they shouldn't be kept with any large cichlids. I currently have one in my tank with my Oscar, they got on fine to start with but as my O gets bigger, he gets more and more aggressive towards my ropefish. The problem is that he doesn't see my O sneaking up on his tail end (which is tough when you're over 12 inches long). So I'll be moving the ropefish this weekend into a friends tank.

    Perhaps you could add some silver dollars, or similar fish.
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Maybe some giant danios.

  6. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Could I put rainbows in there.

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