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Any Ideas on Bless's Breed?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by CockatielCrazy87, May 24, 2005.

  1. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    If any of you remember me and my families private animal rescue or the one I own now on my own or remember the horrible incident of animal cruelity we encountered a year or so back when my father and I (I was 19 at the time) responded to call about a dieing dog in someones trash can. We found Bless a young horribly beaten and abused dog we had no idea of his breed because all of his fur and alot of his skin was burnt off and his legs had deadly cuts on each one. Bless was a mess and actually was scary to look at he looked like a monster but not at all. Bless would'nt have surived if not for quick action and the devoted work of our local Animal Hospital. Bless is my dog ow and lives with me at my parents other rescue I run Bless has finally grown most of his coat back its still thin and his ears are still mainly bald with some fur and his snout has a strip of bald skin that is thought to never grow fur.
    He looks to me like a mix of a Welsh Terrier and Poodle or possibly a Lakeland Terrier and Poodle mix, or Wire Fox Terrier and Poodle mix or Jack Russel and Poodle mix or Jack Russel with any of the other terriers above since his face really looks like one. Im just not sure. Here is the most up to date pic of Bless with his pretty much fully coat any guesses on his breed would be great.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I was thinking Lakeland terrier mix or Wire Fox terrier mix as soon as I saw the photo.
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    OMG! I didn't realize he was the rescue from the dumpster! He really is beautiful...no ideas on the breed though. Just wanted to tell you how good he looked. And what an appropriate name.
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I wouldn't guess Poodle. There's something very Border Terrier about his body shape and color. And maybe Lakeland. It's hard to tell how tall he is, but maybe there could be Wheaton in the mix, too.
  5. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Hmmm never even considered border terrier that would be a good guess. Im not sure he stands 15 inches tall and weighs around 16 pounds maybe a bit more he has a checkup coming up soon. Its been quite the guessing game since his coat has been coming in. He is losing that peach fuzz fur (the white fluffy tufs of fur on him) and he seems to be slwoly replacing it with smooth yet curly silky fur. I don't know like my vet said his coat is'nt fully in and probley won't be completely full and thick by fall. Im really banking on the Lakeland in him who knows. Im still up for more ideas on what he is.
  6. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Also he is in general a happy go lucky dog loves the company of others dogs he does have alot of energy to burn (though his old injuries back it hard for him to run too fast) he also loves to chase birds and small rodents in the pasture. If that helps at all in what might be in him.
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    His ears and coat look like a Schnauzer.
  8. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    When I first saw him, I thought of my Schnauzer. He is also a rescue. The owner that had him first beat him with anything that they could get their hands on (also had to be a man who did it). Then he went to another family that lived on a farm and they didn't really care to have him there either. He would bark and they were threatening to shoot him or set him free to run on the busy highway. I told them that there was NO way they were going to do either!! I took him and he wouldn't go to anyone except me. My hubby couldn't even get close to him. (back to where it must of been a man that abused him before.) Anyway, he has a cropped tail, folded ears and the same body structure as your Bless. He is just too cute!!

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