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Any Ideas? Sun Conure Behavior Problem

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by nicnchris, Dec 19, 2004.

  1. nicnchris

    nicnchris New Member

    Hi all.

    If you have any ideas, please let me know!

    My wife and I have had our Sun Conure for three years now. She has always been a model bird, but a change in her behavior over the past several days has us concerned.

    Like all Conures, she can be loud, especially when we;ve been gone all day. The past two days however she has been acting oddly. She will screech and screech and screech, fly in circles, fly into rooms she almost never goes into and screech. The moods usually last around 45 minutes or so and then she'll act as she always has. It happens every few hours.

    She does not act hurt, although I know birds are very good at disguising this.

    Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong? Do you think this is worth consulting a vet?
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi signs of an unwell bird is very watery poop, Sitting either on her perch and not moving or the cage floor with her feathers fluffed up and generally looking miserable.

    As with most birds if they get attention when they screech on and there is no apparent reason for it they will learn that if they screech they will get attention so they will do it all the time.

    Most birds screech if they are wanting attention or they are wanting something keep an eye on her and see if you can pin point what it is she is screeching for.

    Has something changed in her routine or in the household have you got a new pet or anything like that which could be disturbing her and making her feel uneasy.

    A change in diet,routine, or placement of cage and toys in the cage can upset the bird resulting in her reacting the only way she knows how and thats by screeching.

    When she screech's as hard as it is try and ignore it do not talk to her do not tell her off as she will associate this with screeching gets them to do what i want.

    If she worries you too much a quick visit to an avian vet will put your mind at ease but i think something is upsetting her...


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