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Any information for new finch owner?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Rae, Nov 27, 2004.

  1. Rae

    Rae New Member

    Hello all. will be getting two spice finches next month and was looking for advice on how to care for these little guys. I will not be breeding but they will be in same cage. How large cage would be suitable for two? Can two of the same sex live together in harmony? Any easy way to sex? I would prefer male as was told they were the best singers. I have had a pair of doves in past. I had them for 24 years. Been a few years now since I have had a bird and have decided on the finch. I also now have a cat which makes me a little nervous to be bringing a bird into the home. Any suggestions on how to keep cat friendly towards birds and not go into killer mode? I will keep the finches in a room not accesible to Jasmine (kitty) when I am not home. Any help/suggestions most appreciated.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi congratulations for when your new birds arrive..

    Spice finch's can not be visually sexed the males have a very soft song during courtship the other sure way of finding out the sex is a DNA sexing test done by an avian vet or he can feel and tell you the sex of the birds...

    Its fine to keep 2 birds of the saem sex in a cage together they will bond just as well as a male and female pair would.

    I have added a link to a website that gives information on caring and feeding and stuff for all breeds of finch's.
    Hope its of some help to you..

    Cage size the larger the better bt make sure the gap between the bars is no wider than 1-2cm that way they can not attempt to escape through the bars...


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