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Anybody seen the new show "It Takes a Thief"

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by coppersmom, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    on the discovery channel? Well my question/observation is this: The dogs on that show NEVER bark at the "burgular". Both shows I've seen the homeowners have good sized dogs--one looked like a shepherd. On the other show one looked like a pit and the other maybe a mixed breed--but a big dog nonetheless. So my theory is that dogs generally protect US and not necessarily our property. My dogs bark at anything when I'm here, but I've been told by people working on my house that they never uttered a peep until I drove up. And from what I've seen on that show, it sounds like that goes on with more than just my dogs. Anybody else noticed this? Good thing I have that alarm system huh?
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    In my case I'd have to agree.

    The lady that delivers our mail never knew we had a dog until one day I came home at the exact same time she was delivering the mail and Rocky went nuts while we were outside (hadn't even opened the door yet). She said that she's never heard a sound out of him until that day.

    But whenever I'm home and anybody comes to the door he goes nuts, you don't even have to ring the doorbell, all you have to do is open the screen door.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I had 4 dogs and the occasional 'foster' dog at a duplex and city laws said I could only have 2 dogs so I would periodically ask my neighbours if the dogs barked much when I wasnt home, they always told me that no one would even know there were dogs in the house. My chi and Akita/Spitz/Lab/Coyote??? mix would bark occasionally when I was home, but only to let me know someone was right outside the door or window, the Rott would just stand there and....very intensly...watch the door...like Rotts do :D
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Just depends on the dogs... I'd ask the folks, if they were going to break into my home... for a written contract that says that I am not liable if my dogs bite or do harm to the person... Regarding how the dogs act when I am not home... You'd want to ask the neighbors who's yard they took over when she moved out for a month... She came back to get some of her stuff and ...yes the dogs guard our home and yard and hers as well... We heard from the Meeter Reader as well that our dogs were very serious in their guard duties...especially when we are not there... (This was the Meeter Reader of the Neighbor's house...) We didn't have a privacy fence or anything like that at our previous home so the dogs were Kenneled... NOW they're in kennels inside a Privacy fence... They don't bark at EVERYTHING now but if they feel it's too close to their territory...home or not... they will act... Once we get more settled in and a dog house out in back and the gate for the driveway repaired... The Boerboels will have run of the yard at Night... I live in a nicer neighborhood as well... But with the Boerboels... I know they are protecting not only me but their property...

    Regarding the show I saw... I still beleive the theifs wouldn't want to come into my home...BECAUSE of our dogs... BUT if they know dogs...they just might... My dogs are not there to protect my home from burglary though...they're there to protect ME inside my home...and they do their job.... I think it would be a liability to NOT have my dogs in dog runs when we are not home or irresponsible to not keep the Pits in crates inside my home when I am not there... I think it's a fine line with protection dogs in WHAT they are to protect and what kinds of things they SHOULD protect when it comes to legal responsibility in keeping them etc...

    BUT the show did teach me that dogs "period" are not a deterrent for everyone.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Yes Sara, I'd agree that just seeing your dogs would deter someone! But not so much my weenie dogs. Especially if someone looked in a door or window of your house and was face to face with a BIG dog! He'd have to look waaaaaaaaaaay down to see my dogs lol!
  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    On the show I saw where they had dogs... They drove home the point too that the animals are at just as much risk of being stolen as your stuff...

    True I'd not think twice about weeny dogs...LOL... Though ferocious bagger fighters they may be...they don't have the size edge that the big dogs have.

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