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Appropriate fruits for dogs?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by dayse, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. dayse

    dayse New Member

    Hi all! I have a fourth month old Shih-Poo and I was wondering what kind of fruits I should give my puppy. Are there any fruits we should stay away from? Or any fruits that are better? Currently we're giving her bits of apple as a snack and she seems to really like that. Are other fruits like bananas, strawberries, or berries okay?

    Thanks so much!
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Apples, pears, peaches and bananas are fine. Some berries, like strawberries, may be more likely to cause allergic reactions. Cherries are ok, but be sure you remove the pits.

    Stay away from grapes and raisins. They contain a substance that is toxic to dogs. While one or two grapes probably wouldn't cause any harm, there are reports of dogs becoming seriously ill and even dying after consuming a large number of grapes or raisins. I'd prefer not to take a chance, as no one seems to agree on how many are too many.
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Fruits should be used as treats rather than complete part of the diet as Dogs are carnivores and would likely in the wild have never eating berries other than the contents of the stomach of prey. Technically Dogs have no use for carbohydrates in berry or vegitable form...but they do love sweet fruits no doubt!
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    Natalie loves cantelope, bananas, blueberries and apples.
  5. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Well if dogs and their wild cousins are carnivores, rather than omnivores, I sure wish you'd explain that to the coyotes who visit my pear and peach trees in the summer. They not only eat the fruit already on the ground, they manage to climb the trees and shake even more fruit to the ground.

    They also raid my garden, digging up the carrots and munching on my lettuce, spinach and tomatoes. And it isn't for lack of prey, either. There are more deer around here than there were 200 years ago, and the coyotes manage to take one down regularly. Then they visit my garden for a salad and dessert, I guess.
  6. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    sounds like they get some appetizers before moving onto the main course:)
    i feed ranger apples and carrots as treats. he doens't like the carrots as much, but the apples he loves! he'll hear me chopping one up in the kitchen and come running!
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Key word would be Opportunistic and it's easy for them to get stuff out of your garden than it is to take down prey... Coyotes are more Opportunistic than say...wolves...and it makes sense that they will eat fruite and veggies if they're easy to get... Coyotes don't seek them out though... Wolves don't eat berries in the wild either... Wolves are LESS opportunistic than are Coyotes and being opportunistic doesn't mean they are omnivores... As long as they get stomach contents of Undulates (sp?) they get the nutrients they need. Are your Coyotes fat??? Likely they are overwheight at least during the time of year they get the veggies...THIS is not healthy and natural for wild animals in either case... Carbs are not part of the natural diet... Likely you're seeing Coyotes getting treats out of your garden and not a complete main staple...

    Dogs and their cousins do have sweet tooths so...I could totally see coyotes eating fruits... Just because it's not GOOD for them doesn't mean they aren't going to eat it. BUT Canis types are Carnivores, not Omnivores.

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