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are harnesses safe to use

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Fagan, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. Fagan

    Fagan New Member

    I am curious as to the use of harnesses that are supposedly for birds. I am keen to take my ringneck out, I do at the moment, but not far from the house as I'm worried that if he gets off my shoulder, a cat will catch him (i stay in a complex). I have heard that if u use a harness it can take a tame bird and make it wild if you try an put a harness on him. is this true?

    Are they safe for the bird?
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Maybe someone else will be able to answer this question.

    I have never used a harness on my birds and never would in my opinion harnesses are for dogs and horses and should not be uses for birds but this is just my opinion.

    I would be worried incase the bird broke free of the harness and got away there is so many dangers out there for domesticated birds, The wild birds alone are are a danger to the domesticated bird.


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