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Auspet contest winner for 2004?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by jjami57690, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. jjami57690

    jjami57690 New Member

    Hi-Its been a while since I've visited the board--was wondering if or when the contest was going to updated for 2005? I have several friends that have submitted entries for the new contest but see that the old contest does not appear to have ended yet or the board hasn't been updated? Has it been discontinued?

  2. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    is there really a contest?

    I have sent in entries to the contest several times and never received any kind of reply or acknowledgement. I gave up. :roll:
  3. jjami57690

    jjami57690 New Member

    Thats so strange. My dog was the winner for 2004 & I was looking forward to her picture on the opening page. I emailed an inquiry a month ago but never received an answer so thought I'd post a question here thinking someone might know. I have to laugh because people are still voting on the old contest.

    Oh well..shes the winner in my book...your little one is adorable...looks a lot like mine.

  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Where have you been, I remember the name, I am pretty sure. I have not heard anything about a new contest.
  5. jjami57690

    jjami57690 New Member

    LOL, I remember your name too. I've been here but working full time & trying to get & keep a business going has kept me very busy.

    I was a voice on the board before the toy dog forum was created...sometimes a loud one when someone put down the poo mixes I'm afraid. When the toy dog forum was created I volunteered to be a moderator but I didn't really have the time or the knowledge to be a good one. Eventually I quit getting the email notifiers so I think I was fired. :oops: But I did check in periodically until the board got changed and I ALWAYS checked that contest because my girl was in it. I thought the contest was going to be a yearly event but the winner for 2003 is still up & the entries for 2004 are there to be voted on. I thought the 2004 winner would be announced & a new set of entries to be voted for in 2005. But guess I was wrong.

    Anyway, the board has obviously survived & thrived without me thanks to all you good people that are here to help, and the changes have all been good.

  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Its good to have you back. Oh I have a new pup poodle now too. That makes three dogs now.
  7. jjami57690

    jjami57690 New Member

    thats great, the more the merrier, right? I own two but my daughters maltipoo is over to my house 99% of the time, we even have sleepovers so I feel like I have 3 too. thank goodness two are small. Gracious but they are a lot of work without even meaning to be. The little ones are built so low to the ground they pick up stuff on their fur, the bigger one sheds buckets throughout the year not to mention the muddy footprints. Harley tries to bring pinecones in the house all the time & if she sneaks one by us she makes a mess with them not to mention the stuffed toys that play tug of war with them...if one of the toys gets even a tiny rip they find it and finish the job....stuffing all over the house, lol. But we love them. and I mend the toys, mop & vacuum up after them.

    Well you have your handsfull too from the sounds. A mini poodle is your new addition? Sounds adorable.

  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Your household sounds like mine, my thrid is a big time shedder too. LOL
    I guess its true, animals go for the kill then gut the kill. LOL

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