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baby bird hatches, and mom lays another egg? Budgie

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by zarate, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    I am very confused. Today I had a baby hatch from each of my 2 clutches. One had 3 eggs, and the other had 4. This morning I heard a baby so I checked and sure enough, a baby in each nest box....except one nest box had an additional egg! Why is that, and is this egg any good? Also I'm not sure if she is going to take care the baby as I found it cold and under the shavings when I got home from work. I Moved it between the eggs so it would warm up. Also, if she doesn't take care of it, could I the babies in with the other mom, she's got a clutch the exact same age. Their first babies hatched today. All together (before todays egg) there were 7 eggs, and I know at least 1 is no good....so is 6 ok for an experienced mom to raise, just in case the first time mom doesn't get it right just yet? Thanks for any and all info guys!
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Check to make sure the baby has food in its crop before you put the birds to bed so to speak if there is no food i would try and place it in with the experienced female but you will have to rub some bedding on this chick from the other nest so then she will think its her own.

    Some birds will take on another chicks some will not.
    Hand feeding is not an option as budgie chicks will not take to hand feeding very well and need to be done by someone that is experienced in handfeeding methods.

    I have succesfully handraised cockatiels but not budgies.
    If the baby was cold and under the bedding when you got in chances are she will not look after them.

  3. zarate

    zarate New Member

    thanks for the info!

    Hey Mike, thanks for the help. I was unable to get back to the computer at my parents house....anyways the first baby did not make it. It had no food in it's crop, or belly. So when the second one hatched I gave her another chance, but again found it cold and under the shavings....so I took the father of the other clutch and rubbed him on the baby (I didn't think to rub the shavings of the other nest on it.) So then this first time mother was still left with one egg to hatch, so I went ahead and put that in with the other mom as well. So far there are 3 more eggs to hatch, but one never developed past the first day (So I believe that's the case, there is a very slight red line in there, nothing more) So if 2 more eggs hatch she will have 5 babies to raise..so I think she will be fine.
    Oh....and she did accept the other baby. I couldn't tell if she fed it until late last night. He was very weak last night yet, but I saw some food in his crop. Then this morning he looked better and was nice and full. Her own babies are so fat! even with her last clutch (which was her first) So I think she's going to take care of the quite well. I literally jumped for joy last night when I saw she fed the foster baby!!! :eek: :D :y_the_best:
    Anyways I'll keep you all updated, and thanks again Mike!!!
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Sorry to hear about the little one, Sadly these things happen with some first time parents.

    I am glad the other pair have taken on the second baby which is a good sign since she has started to feed it, Chicks chill very quickly the reason this chick is ok now is because when the parents feed the chicks the food is warm so this warms up the chick plus it has clutch mates to snuggle upto and keep warm.

    The egg withthe red line sounds like it started to form but for some reason the embryo has died there is nothing that can be done apart from check it after the last chick has hatched if nothing you can then safely remove it from the nest.

    Hope all keeps going well good luck.

  5. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Is this late egg fertile?

    Well, all 3 babies (2 from mom, one from the other nest) are doing great! I'm still hoping the other 2 eggs hatch (there are 3 more, but I know 1 is no good)
    But I have checked the egg that my first time mom laid the day her 1st baby hatched, and it seems to be fertile. Is this normal? Is there any chance she may take care of future clutches, or this late egg she laid?
    I knew when she started laying her eggs that she was a first time mom and knew there was no gaurantee she'd take care of the babies if they hatched. She is at least 2 years old and not tame at all, but gee she's pretty! And boy can she bite! OUCH :mrgreen:
    Thanks for your support and help everyone.
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi Mandi glad the chicks are doing so well.

    The egg the new mum had laid could be either a late egg or she was eager to lay another clutch this happens alot in some birds.

    First time parents do not always get it right first time so hopefully this time she will, If not i would remove the nest box and not breed her again as chances of her doing the same with every clutch is high and if she lays any eggs on the cage floor boil them and give her them back this way you do not have to keep fostering the chicks to the other female as this will use all her energy and make her susceptible to infections and illness.

    Fingers crossed that she is a success this time round.

    When having a nest of chicks you will find the parents eat alot more so you will need to keep topping up as if you were feeding 5adult birds as the chicks take most of what mum and dad eat.

  7. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Another baby budgie, yay!

    Well, the other egg from the first time mother hatched, it hatched in the other nest box tho, with the foster mother. 1 more egg *may* hatch, but it's hard to tell. The "extra" egg the other hen laid is fertile....so we'll see what happens with that one. After these babies are grown up I'm taking both nest boxes out until probably next year...if I decide to let them nest again.
    Well, I'll keep you updated if anymore eggs hatch.
    I think all my finches are hatched, there is 1 more egg, but I'm doubtful it will hatch. Their nest is getting pulled out when these are grown too! I'm going to try and make an aviary with all my budgies, so I can try to keep the babies!!! :mrgreen:
    Thanks for the help!

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