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Bad Habbit or Not?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by DaveM26, Oct 31, 2005.

  1. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    We Purchased our Brittany when he was 10 weeks old, Since he was 10 weeks old hes been in his crate every Night and also dureing the day while we are off at work, Just this past weekend Ive been letting him sleep in my room ( yes on the end of the bed as he likes to be close and wouldnt stay on the floor) well He seems to like to be close as he doesnt wake up till you get out of bed, when he was in the crate normally around 5.30 am every mourning he would start to make noise as he wanted to be let outside.

    Is it a bad thing to start letting the puppy sleep in your bed at night and not his crate? hes fully house trained now but he will still be in the crate while we are are work dureing the day, I just feel bad haveing him crated all night then up for 3 hours in the mourning then crated for the entire day. at least this way hes only crated dureing the day and weekends is only crated when we leave if we dont take him with us.

    BTW hes a 4 month old Brittany


  2. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Well, I don't know what others are going to say... but in my opinion, it's only a bad thing if bad habits start. If not, and things are going good, what's the harm, right? :)

    Our shihpoo sleeps in our bed with us too..... He's done it ever since he was big enough to jump up on the sleigh bed... which I think was around 2 months of age! I also found that our nights lasted all night with no potty breaks when he was in the bed with us..... I don't know why that works.... but heyyyyyy... I was game! LOL

    I'm sure you'll be fine with yours too :)
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I think you should do what feels right for you. If your okay with him being on your bed and he's happy then dont worry about it.

    Obviously he does well in the crate and if you were home all day, every day then I would say continue to crate him at night mainly for the fact that the crate (as well as being a great way to housetrain, preventing destruction) is supposed to give them security, its a comfort zone for them and is a place they learn they can go to in times of stress (I lived in CA and the slightest rumble from a quake or thunderstorm and I knew exactly where all my dogs were) but your not home all day and I know what you mean about feeling bad because of the length of time spent in there. Its not good for them to spend too much time in there either and can lead to behavioural problems, especially of the destructive kind.

    The only thing I would watch for is that he doesnt 'play up' when or if you do want him to go in the crate at night. Dogs know if your home or not and it would be frustrating after what youve both already accomplished if for some reason you couldnt have him on your bed, you put him in the crate and he started scratching and crying to get out. (Im thinking of when I had bronchitis.....with 4 dogs on my bed I could barely breathe). So maybe occasional nights in the crate would be good just so he doesnt get out of the 'habit'. At least just over the next couple of months.

    (just my opinion)
  4. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    well... Day number 5

    So far so good, As soon as he hits the bed hes a sleep.
    I found out today that our 4 month old Brittany can jump HIGH
    as i tossed him the ball he came running back at me with full force and
    passed me and cleared the 4 ft tall fence behind me going into neighbours yard to play with there 1.5 year old Golden Retriever
    it was a SIGHT TO SEE!!! thats all ive got to say. LOL

    thanks for all the input

    Dave :mrgreen:
  5. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Yeah, I'm late. but i have two brittanys too:) and yes, they jump! Ranger jumps on command and will jump up to grab frisbees held up at the top of your head, and he'll jump HIGH to catch frisbees flying through the air...or a tennis ball...or a stuffed animal....anything that flies, lol. Snickers doesn't really seem interested in toys, although she does like sleeping with a stuffed animal, lol. Snickers doesn't jump on command, but she jumps on our trampoline (3-4 ft off the ground) and over bushes and all that good stuff. They are very agile (at least mine are.)

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