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Beginner having problems Help please!!!!

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Master Shake, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. Master Shake

    Master Shake New Member

    I am a beginner who has his eyes set on chiclids. Three of my close freinds have tanks with chiclids in them and I love how active they are, not to mention how beautiful they are. I have a 50 gal corner tank and have 7 africans in it. It has been running for about a month and my nitrites are running high. I know now why it happened I did not let the tank build its positive bacterias. If I could do it again I would. :? The guy at the fish store told me to run the cycle stuff and clean the rocks with a syphon every week. I did this and nitrites stayed the smae. I went to a different store and the guy told me to double up on the cycle and wait a couple days and come see him if it did not work. It did not so I saw him today. He told me he was goin to give me some of the gravel from his tank. will this help me get the mature bacteria.

    Your thoughts on the situation. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Yah gravel from an established tank will definatly speed up the cycle. But youve had it running for 1 months with fish and you used cycle? It should be done. Have you tried to do any large water changes? like 30%
  3. Master Shake

    Master Shake New Member

    yes I have done about three 25 % water changes. One thing I forgot to say Is I did not start the cycle when I put the fish in. I added cycle about two weeks after the fish when I noticed the nitrite levels.
    Another question if I just keep changing water and adding cycle will it eventually level out or will the nitrite just continue to go up. Will everything die if it is not taken care of or will it fix itself in the end???
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    How high are your nitrItes and what are the readings for ammonia and nitrAte as well? How often and how large are your water changes?

    If you can find a product called BioSpira it should work a lot better than Cycle. Other than that, keep up with the water changes. Also keep an eye out for heavy breathing. If that happens, you might want to add some aquarium/kosher salt to the tank. It will help them breath a little more easily.


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