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Best companion

Discussion in 'All other pets' started by SpitItOut, May 2, 2005.

  1. SpitItOut

    SpitItOut New Member

    What animal (IYO) makes the best companion?
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I think it very much depend on what kind of companion a person is looking for. A dog is usually very devoted to it's owner, while a cat is more independent but still a great pet. A dog needs walking, while most cats walk themself so maybe they are easier to keep (I wouldn't know, because I've never owned a dog)

    I have a cat and a rabbit, and I wouldn't be without either one of them although I'm much more attached to my cat. In the end I think all animals are good companions as long as they are treated with love and is used to being handled by humans :)
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Im mostly a dog person but I love any animals being around me, I did have a hamster many years ago, I had hand raised one of the babies that the mom rejected after a couple of days, he used to go almost everywhere with me, Id put him in my pocket and he would just have his head sticking out and hold on to the pocket, never attempted to get out. He was cool. :D

    I had a budgie that used to play fetch....among other things like throw peas at the dog, if I called him he would fly to me.
  4. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I'm more of a dog person also, i do have a horse that is an awsome pet, but he can't crawl into my lap and cuddle with me (though when he's scared he will try too :roll: ) I did have a rabbit that was my most loyal non-canine animal. He would come when I called, followed me everywhere i went and promptly attacked anyone that he didn't know.
  5. dude412

    dude412 New Member

    I think any pet is a great pet depnding on what you are looking for if you like fluffy animals aqautic semi outside or whatever do you wanna handle it the pets i have heard of are like savana montior i dont nkow if i would want one but its whatever floats your boat in the ong run i have had almost evry pet i had cats hamsters dogs amphibains(newt) i have 2 dogs 1 lizard 18 fish a shrimp a clam i have a had a lot of different expirece with animals and im only 12 so it depends o the person and work there willing to do like my lizard needs to be fed crickets at night so at 11:30 or 12:00 its not so nice but its woprth it or buying 25.00 food for my fish whom whic i give them a gourmet of 12 diff food
  6. BeatrixMom

    BeatrixMom New Member

    I agree that it depends on what you are looking for in a companion. My two Basset Hounds are my favorite companions, but I do love my bunny and cockatiel too.

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