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bird brains

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by kathy5, Mar 30, 2004.

  1. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member


    sky is having a bad molt day & didn't want her picture taken lol
  2. pompeii

    pompeii New Member

    They are beautiful!

    I am considering getting a bird, or possibly a few. If I get more than one, I am interested in a few parakeets.

    I have a huge super pets cage. It's just over 4' tall, and approx 30" wide and about the same depth. The bar spacing is adequate for parakeets, but I am not sure how much space is required for each individual.

    Do you have any input on the cage issue?
  3. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    each keet would need an 18 X 18 size cage but that cage your getting Is good for 6 to 8 I would think
  4. Plincko

    Plincko New Member

    Your info says you're a stay at home mom :idea: are those your kiddos? Too cute!
  5. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    How did you tame your birds together! I can tame mine but not together and they probaly wouldn't be as tame as yours!
  6. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    i didn't I tamed each bird as I got it & now there all tame pretty much all but sky she was my mom's bird & she Is a witch

    kiwi Is 6
    sky Is 7
    sunshine Is 2
    willow Is 4 months
  7. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Can you post how you hand tame your birds. Yours just seem amazingly tame and I wish mine could be that time. Also, I have two problems with mine. The first is that mine usually bite spontaneously so I really don't know if I'm scaring them or something and the second problem is that I don't know how to tame a bunch of them at one time so that they can be together and still be tame because almost all of the pet shops that I went to, the employees said that if you tame your bird and put it with others your training sessions will all be undone.
  8. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    first off I got kiwi around 6 weeks of age the younger the bird Is the easer It will be to train. ( you can tell a young bird by all of the black bars On It's head the more It had the younger It Is. with white birds they don't have bard so I'm stuck there )

    after of giving kiwi a week of getting used to her new cage and home I slowly placed my hand In the cage to rest for no less than 15 minutes I did this for a week this will help the bird to get used to your hand letting It know that you are not going to hurt It you can quietly talk to the bars so that It gets used to your voice.

    If the bird flutters around DON"T pull your hand out of the cage this will tell the bird you are scared and every time you put your hand In It will flutter. If It does flutter just rest your hand until the bird calms down

    next I slowly pushed my finger up to the bird's chest
    saying the word (up)once again 15 minutes for around 1 month once again If the bird flutters don't take your hand out of the cage. just wait for the bird to clam down and try again.

    I was due to have a baby shortly and I had a 3 year old a cat and a hamster to take care of so when the baby arrived the bird went to my mother's In law house
    at this time she wasn't hoping up onto my finger but she hoped up on to my mom finger and she Is now fingered trained. she Is now home with us again and she Is a wonderful bird she Is a green with a yellow face parakeet or 4 years.
    I hope this helps you
    good luck
  9. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    maybe but if you keep working with each trained bird they will stay a little tame as In the case with my birds they are bonded to one another but we can still hold them even If they fight it a small amount
  10. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Thanks! However I have one more question. What if your bird bites a lot?
  11. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    nice birds, and for the question.....buy superglue! lol. jk.
  12. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    that is sky problim she bites hard so we don't handel her :cry:

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