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Black spots on parakeet's nose

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by seattleite, Sep 13, 2004.

  1. seattleite

    seattleite New Member

    I have a male parakeet who is about two years old, and recently developed some black spots on his nose. It looks almost like some sort of mold growing on it, and it troubles me. His behavior is normal, and otherwise he looks ok (though he is starting to molt). I have soaked his water dispenser in bleach, but that was only a couple of hours ago (I just noticed it yesterday).
    Does anyone know what could be causing this?
  2. kem

    kem New Member

    If this is really a mold on his beak it is probably coming from something he is drinking or eating. How often do you change his food and water? Bacteria and mold thrive in damp places. Its like a party for them. Keep a very close eye on him and do a scrupulous cleaning of his cage and water and food bowls. And keep us updated on what happens!! Good luck and best wishes!
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi best thing to do incase it is mold is to take him out of the cage if this is possible clean his Beak with warm salt water and dry it off.

    Then if possible take the cage apart and soak everything in a suitable disinfectant in the bath and scrub it all down.

    When washing water and food bowls i always soak them in a dish of baby bottle sterilising fluid and water for about 30minutes rinse thoroughly dry and a make sure they are completely dry before adding more food.

    Keep an eye on him after you have cleaned his beak and see if it comes back also keep and eye on what he is eating before it starts.


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