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blood in the bottom of the nest?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by armandndeb, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. armandndeb

    armandndeb New Member

    I have 4 budgies, 2 females and 2 males, they have a log nest all hollowd out and I just looked in this morning as best as I can see, since they have it cleaned to the bottom, well it looks like blood covered bottom, but I can,t see a egg and the birds all appear to be fine, no injurys and acting normal and very active, I just wonder where the blood could of come from any ideas? Thanks for being here in the time of need :?:
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi are alb the birds in the same cage or aviary?
    How many nests do you have for the pairs?

    If breeding you need a nest box that you can get into as if a chick dies you will need to remove them, If the parents abandon the chicks you will need to remove them for hand feeding, Plus you need to be able to get into the nest to clean it.

    Young females that have never laid an egg will bleed when laying there first 2 eggs and some usually eat these if there is a calcium problem with the female.

    There could be a sharp part within the nest which one of them has cut themselves.

    Since there is 4 birds chances are if they are in breeding mode the pairs will probably have been fighting.

    there is a number of reasons why there is blood in the nest.
    I suggest changing the nest boxes for proper budgie nests so that you can monitor all activity and you will be able to see which bird is bleeding.

  3. armandndeb

    armandndeb New Member

    I have 2 nests in there

    they are in a big cage with 2 nests, the one with blood in it is the kind budgies use in the wild, but its not good for me not to see in there as you say, so what would be a good budgie nesting box, the other nest is like for finches, but larger and made of wood. I have not seen any signs of blood on any of the birds or elsewhere in the cage and they all appear to be happy and healthy, but is to much blood not to be concerned and panic. Please advise, thank you for you quick reply
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Here is a link to the types of budgie nest boxes i use the ones in the first picture you can buy one from any good petstore.

    Aslong as there is not lots of blood which would indicate a fight or a rupture in one of the females then i would not worry too much, Aslong as they are eating, drinking and well in themselves there is no need to worry.

    Since your planning on allowing them to raise a family i would recommend you make sure there is plenty of cuttlefish bone and mineral block in the cage, Also introduce them to soft foods such as, Boiled eggs crushed up, Boiled Pasta, Boiled brown Rice, Wholewheat bread.

    I give my birds an egg food which is designed for handfeeding and weaning of baby birds i give them this in a seperate dish you can give it moist or dry i prefer dry, It is full of alot of minerals and vitamins the birds and growing chicks need its called EMP or CeDe egg food which you can get from any good petstore.

    Keep a close eye on the birds as budgies are known for there aggression during the breeding season and will kill for a nest or mate.




    Links are
    1st, Nest boxes
    2nd, Breeding
    3rd, Feeding

    Hope they help


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