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Bordetella Vaccine Side Effects?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by kaldana, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. kaldana

    kaldana New Member

    Hello! This is my 1st post on this board. I have a 5 lb shih-tzu Maltese mix who is 2 yrs old.
    Yesterday he went to the groomers and also got his bordetella vaccine. I noticed last night he was shivering a bit. He is still doing it off and on today. Also he doesnt seem interested in eating his dogfood... Any ideas? Is this a side effect of the vaccination? If he is still acting this way tomorrow I will definitely call the vet and ask... Thanks!

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If your concerned about him then you should take him to your vet. Generally if a pet is going to have a reaction to a vaccine its shortly after the vaccine is given, to be still be like this after 24 hours then it may not be the vaccine. That said though has he had this vaccine before? how was he last time? Has your dog been to this groomers before? Maybe he got stressed out if hes not used to being groomed or used to this groomer....did they take a lot of hair off? Is it cold where you live? I would be worried about him not eating, how long since he has actually eaten something? with him being a really tiny guy then you wouldnt want him to go too long without any food, theres always the risk of the blood glucose levels dropping....signs can be anxiousness initially, then lethargy....and downhill from there.

    I would at least call your vet (today) and let them know whats going on, see what they suggest.
  3. kaldana

    kaldana New Member

    Hi there. Thank you SO much for your reply. I did finally get my lil guy to eat some food. I think part of the issue may be my 1 year old baby - I had to put his food up because the baby kept trying to eat it. So I can only put Tobi's food down at certain times... He seems better now. Good information though, thanks!! :)

  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Glad to hear hes okay then. What is it about toddlers and dog food? My uncle had a pet store when my daughter was about 2, first thing she would do when she went in there was start munching on a dog chew :shock:

  5. kaldana

    kaldana New Member

    I dont know thats pretty gross huh!! :)
  6. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    okayyyyyy... that's funny! My nephew ate Bailey's dog food once too! ... I laughed so hard trying to get it out of his mouth, all the while he was trying to swallow it...sheeesh

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