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brand new shihpoo owner!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by cleosmommy, Dec 24, 2004.

  1. cleosmommy

    cleosmommy New Member

    Hi everyone:

    I am so happy to find this message board! I got my shihpoo Cleo yesterday and had a rough night. She cried all night in her crate. The only way I could get her to stop was to put her crate on the bed in between my bf and I and keep letting her know I was there. I am unsure if her crying is for attention and because she wants reassurance we are still there or because she has to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, one time last night she was crying and I thought it was for attention and she ended up defecating in her crate. Any tips on how I can decide if her crying warrants me taking her out to try to go to the bathroom or not?

    Today I got her an exercise pen and put her crate, the towel she likes to sleep on, toys, water/food, and a wee wee pad in it. I have her in the pen now as I sit right next to it. So far she has defecated once and urinated once on the wee wee pad. Is this a bad thing for me to start her on? I am thinking that tonight I can move the pen into the bedroom and she will sleep better. Any thoughts?

    Sorry for such a long post - one feeding question. Cleo is 8 weeks old. Should I leave her food/water out all day? How often should she be fed? What is everyone feeding their shihpoos?

    Thanks so much for all the help. Glad to have found you all!
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I'm no pro at this as I'm going through the same things. I think having the wee pads are good for when theydon't get outside on time. I'm trying to watch my girl like a hawk. You watch for the sniffing on the ground.
    Yours is only 8 weeks though so she can probably only hold it for about two hours. I would bring her outside every few hours thru the night. after she eats, bring her outside. Its really touch and go, on wether she will. They say to bring her out till she goes. You'll be lucky if its not raining or wet out. Pups that age need to eat at least four times a day. For now, if you have no other dogs its ok to leave her food out. By the time she reaches 4 months start her on a schedule. Mine is 4 months, I feed her at 7 a.m. 12 noon and 5 p.m. and she gets about 1/4 cup each feeding. Then about 6 months twice a day. puppy food till one year. Right now my pup is on Chicken soup for the puppie lovers, I believe its called.
    I know I probably was not much help.
    One other thing is a pup needs a crate only big enough to stand , turn, and sleep in. No room for romping. If too much room they will separate the area into sleeping area and bathroom area.

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