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Budgie biting

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by SpitItOut, May 9, 2005.

  1. SpitItOut

    SpitItOut New Member

    I've had my budgie for about a month he's still a baby but pretty mature, I'm almost done taming him but now he's biting. I washed my hands incase the smelt like bird food and cleaned his cage and gave him a shower. What could be buggin him?
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Birds bite for a number of reasons, Firstly could be he does not like the way you hold him or touch a certain part of his body.

    They bite from fear they also bite just to taste you this is more of a nibble rather than an actual bite.

    The more you hold him the less likely he will bite you.

    Give him time he is still only young and learning.

  3. SpitItOut

    SpitItOut New Member

    Ok thanks, and is it better to have pairs or are they fine on there own. Because in the caresheets i've been reading if you have them alone they become more fond of you.
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    If you are wanting a very hand tame bird that will come out of its cage and sit with you its always best to only have 1.

    If you have more than one they prefer to be with each other rather than you and hand taming is a little harder with 2 birds.


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