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Budgie molting issue, problem?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by zarate, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Hey everyone. My mom and I were wondering about budgies and molting. My nephew's budgie is approximately 5 months old and has had him since he was 7 weeks old. He's going through his first full molt and has been molting for a good 6 weeks now. What we're wondering...is this normal? We've heard that some birds never come out of their molt and eventually die. He's extremely active, it's the only budgie in their house (and cage of course) and has tons of space and toys. He's not changed in that aspect, tho he's eating a bit less than before. All we can get him to eat is seed, he's never been interested in any other treats he's been offered. If anyone can share a bit of info with me we'd really appreciate, as my nephew (9 year old) is very worried about his little companion. Thanks guys!
  2. janine

    janine New Member

    Hi zarate
    Theres no need to worry in my opinion :) ,I have never heard that a bird does not get out of his molt and then dies.
    Mabey you could get the budgie used to fruit and vegitables they are very good when they are molting and it is much healthier than seeds.
    Good luck with the budgie :)

  3. janine

    janine New Member

    Sorry I forgot to say,when he does not change his condision mabey you should then go to a avian vet. :)

  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI budgies start there first molt at around 4-6months of age and can last from 2weeks upto 6months this is completely normal.

    I have never heard of a bird dying if it does not come out of its molt.
    Birds molt all there life.

    Its not unusual for some birds never to like other foods what you can do is try the millet spray or those seed treats that have fruit in it and stuck together with honey all birds seem to like them you just hang it in the cage do not worry some birds are frightened of it at first until they realise its edible.

    If your at all concerned about the bird i suggest a quick call or visit to an avian vet to put your mind at ease but i will say this is all normal and have nothing to worry about.


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