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Buying Fish Online...

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by swtnpink, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. swtnpink

    swtnpink New Member

    um... I've seen some websites that sells fishes online... have any of you guys tried this? If so... what do you think about it?

    I guess I'm kind of curious about how they get the fish to you and in what condition it is you get your fish in o_O

    Hehe, sorry if i'm posting up too many Topics... I never knew there was so much to fishes other than putting it into a tank with water. :oops:
  2. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Theres really no need for ordering through internet if the fish you are after is at the local fish shop. However, if you have done your research and see a fish not available in your area...then why not? I have never ordered from one of these companies. If you do, be prepared to have to drive to your nearest large airport as live fish are usually shipped directly by air. Make sure the company guarantees that the fishes arrive alive and healthy. You will need to arrive on time as well or your fish could spend too much time in the box at your airport. The live fishes are usually never delivered to you door.

    Hope that helps
  3. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    I think I mentioned it before but I know the owner of "Koi Unlimited" and when he shipped several thousand dollar Koi he said He'd fill the bag then tie it off really high and inject it with pure oxygen, then overnighted it, i wouldnt buy online unless they very speciffically say that they provide a "arrives alive" policy. One of the Bonus' of ordering fish online is for people who dont have any petsstores around but do have an airport.
  4. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    i have never tryed it but i have heard that it takes a month to two for the fish to be sent.
  5. swtnpink

    swtnpink New Member

    oh, ok, that makes sense... i thought they sent it to ur door =P
  6. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    lol. so did i :oops: i think that a lfs would be easyer to get fish from
  7. swtnpink

    swtnpink New Member

    i knew it would probably be easier at a lfs, i was just wondering how someone could order fish online because it doesnt seem... "right", ya know?
  8. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    yeah thats what i thought at first. it does sound odd. i mean shipping a fish? but i have seen some people receve their fish healthy

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