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By the way, I

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by zarate, Apr 14, 2005.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    I forgot to mention the chi is registered through CKC, Continental Kennel Club.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

  3. zarate

    zarate New Member

    thanks for the site

    Hey, thanks for the site address. I e-mailed them asking them a few questions and letting them know I don't believe they are very responsible breeders. My pup had fleas when I got him, unfortunately I didn't notice them until we were on our way back home (we drove quite aways for him)
    And this lady never had him outside except for one time when the weather was nice and she said it was only for a couple of minutes. So I don't believe he got fleas from that. I think they are in her house. This pup had never been around anyone except the breeder and her husband, so he was so scared of anyone. So I just cuddled him all the way home in a nice warm blanket...when we got home we let him scope out the house, meet the cat (They were instant friends!) after that he loved EVERYONE. He's still leary to go up to strangers, but once he sniffs them and feels they are ok, he wants to play. He's sooooooooo sweet. I take him everywhere we go. All I have to say is "Chavo, ya wanna go bye bye" and he practically jumps into my arms. He loves going places. I visit the pet stores a lot, just to get him used to new places and when I got him I took him in the front and back door so he was used to different enterances. He's very smart too. I taught him "shake" the second week I had him. Then he gives a high 5, he sits and he runs to his kennel when I tell him. He's only 4 months old! He was easy and fun to train. Sorry for the long post, I had to share my enjoyment with someone :p
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Chavo sounds like a great little dog. Dont you juste hate those fleas, is he clear now? If not there are some good products available to gt rid of them but I would go through your vet rather than buy an over the counter product. Just my personal opinon though.
  5. zarate

    zarate New Member

    chavo is clear of fleas!

    Hey, yes Chavo is a wonderful little pup and I couldn't imagine life without him. We did get rid of those nasty fleas within a couple of days. When we got home, I hated to do it, but I bathed him in Mycodex (sp?) That's what my parents used on their puppy (she was a farm pup)...it's from our vet. We also used another product to leave on his fur and it soaks up into his skin, also from the vet. I did that and kept his bedding washed and it worked find.
    My husband just loves our dog to pieces. My husband is from Mexico, and he always had dogs their, but they were for hunting and an outdoor companion when his dad went to cut coffee. He told me some neat stories of their dogs. But they don't have their dogs sleep in their beds, or in kennels at night...so I'm glad to see that my husband loves Chavo as much as he does. It's a whole other world their, it's so beautiful. I got to play with a lot of puppies when I was there, too bad I couldn't bring any home :( I also saw Toucans everywhere....in the wild, it was the coolest thing! Next time we go I would like to take Chavo, but I have to look into a little more as far as taking him on a plane and all that. Have a good day all.
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Chavo sounds like a sweetie! He's lucky to have you!

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