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Can Betta Join the party?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by drab911, May 10, 2005.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    I was wondering if Betas aka siamese fighting fish.. would do OK in a heavily planted tank with 2 platys 2 zebra danios, 2 otocats, 4 neons and 2 adf
    the fish bowl is hard to keep clean and id love him to join the party but not if hes gonna hurt those fish or my fish.. and the fish all have lots of personal space so i have room to add another fish
  2. dude412

    dude412 New Member

    I personally have ahd lots of experinces withe bettas going with other community fish like neons and other tetras mollies platys never adf so i think it will be o.k but evry fish has a mind of its own so you never know.
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Some zebra danios and neon tetras can tend to be fin nippers and bettas are a prime target with their flowing fins.

    Betta's can do fine in a community tank and the only other fish that I've found any of mine to ever go after (besides another betta) is my gourami.

    If you do put him in be sure to look for any signs of damage to his fins.
  4. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    well i put him in and he was fine. but he kept making lunges at the other fish.. and they were all bunched together unlike how they usually act.. so I took him out and back in the bowl with him haha hey i gave er a shot,,
  5. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    You have the Betta in a bowl right? Put the bowl right up against the other community tank so they can see eachother, and if Betta starts to lunge at the glass, don't put him in there. If he's flaring up, use caution. But if he minds his own, there shouldnt be a problem.

    It all depends on the Betta you happen to get. Some are rather nice, while some have aggression up the wazoo.

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