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Cat ate a Lily Leaf

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, May 23, 2007.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    My 4 yr old cat ate pieces of a White Lily Plant we're trying to grow. Usually it sup on our water cooler- but for some reason, my husband took it down & put it on our kithcen table.
    We did not know that Lily Flowers were TOXIC to cats...other wise it would not have been in our house to begin with.
    Anyway, Yesturday morning, I found a lot of Vomit around the house. One batch actually had the leaves in them (from the stem).
    He was throwing up all day (I was at work, but came home at lunch to him vomiting and seeing vomit aroudn the house).
    He was alert, seemed OK (other then the vomiting) and ate 2 treats.
    I called ASPCA (Poison Control who recommended getthing him to my Vet ASAP....etc). We took him over at 3pm.
    He was sedated (I assume b/c of the IV) and resting with fluids as suggested by Poison Control.
    Checked on him this morning.
    Vet said He was "Responsive and there had been NO VOMIT Since we dropped him off yesturday at 3pm...so that was 18 hours later)
    She said the blood work came in- His Kidneys looked to be OK, but she will recheck the blood work & let me know tomorrow.
    I HOPE HE IS OK! I am hoping we caught it in time...
    I am absolutly devestaed, as he is my Love, my buddy- and I can't believe this happened....it could have been prevented (if we only knew).
    Anyway....Do u know about the Lily's and the poisoning effects?
    Think my kitty will be OK?? :?:
    Write back, PLease!!!!!
    Thanks for listening...and for your info.
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    How is your kitty doing?

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